

25 baby turned twenty-five.  25!   How does that happen?
Believe me when I say that I have been watching this one every step - every eyelash flutter - of the way, and I still have a hard time believing it.

When Brian turned twenty-five I felt it.  For some reason it seemed 'right', and it was believable - and perhaps I was more in tune and accepting of the march of time.  But Karl hitting this milestone seems incorrect somehow.  Maybe it's the Asperger's that has me incredulous.  It's deceiving.

At any rate, it has happened - happy 25th birthday my little bug!  I have loved every minute of it.


Hey, Maria

In just nine short days it will have been two months since you last posted (by the way, nice haul on the Mother's Day plants).  I miss your updates, dear girl.

How did your material (and all) make out after that clean up?

What did you end up doing for your birthday?

How were your classes and finals for the last semester?

Are you taking any classes over the summer (I know you detest that idea)?

How is the family?

Why is the sky blue?

Why do ice cubes 'melt' in the freezer?

Have you worked on anything fun and creative over the last (nearly) two months?

Involved in any community garden work this summer?

Are you happy/healthy/keeping content/traveling anywhere?

Wanna get together and catch up?

Love you.  [squishy hugs]