


I also like the word 'tuchus' - pronounced "took-us".

Oh, yeah, and Jean.... more thing.

While I'm on the subject (ok, well, I was on the last post), it wasn't a horse named Francis.  I had that wrong.

It was a mule

Fitting, since a mule is more humble than a horse.

Just to review

March 2013 -
You are just about as over as over can be, oh miserable month of March.  Between the inane "March Madness" (ugh), and the absolute crap March weather - not to mention the abhorrent time change to (or from?) "daylight savings" - I am over you!  OVER.

Fine'!  Skedaddle!  Shoo!!  Go on, get outta here!  Get off my lawn. [menacing glower]

While we wait for March to gather its belongings and scurry on away, let's review the month, shall we:

New Pope - cuz the old one 'retired'?  Really?  What a quitter. 
Oh, and can you news people STOP REPORTING EVERY DAMN FIRST THIS NEW POPE HAS?  Sheesh!  I am amazed (and quite frankly a little saddened) you all didn't chronicle his first time using the Papal pooper.  I mean, come on!  Every time he does something for the first time it's going to be his first - but do we ALL really need to hear about it as a big news story?  Get over it already and find some REAL news.  There's plenty out there.

New EM in Detroit - cuz the city has some serious issues to straighten out and the governor decided he could/would send in a person who has less than an adequate record his ownself (visa vi - his owing a lot of back taxes, child support, etc., and ducking out on that responsibility in another state which is not Michigan)!  Right...good choice there, gov Snidiot!  Way to vet someone for their ethics and appropriateness for a really important job.

New jail cell for Kwame K - 'bout damn time that man was made to meet some of his responsibilities face-to-face.  And no, you can't go home to have someone kiss your knee and make it better!  There are a lot of inmates with physical ailments who aren't allowed to leave the 'pen' to see a doctor.  Make some friends and get used to the way life should have been for you for the last few years, you deplorable, despicable person! 

New attitude for Karl - concerning school -- and a glimpse into his future!  Since I do not want to jinx it, I am leaving it at that.  BUT, I will add that he has been passing the tests in math, and getting great grades on the ol', YEA!  thank you, Lord.

New neighbors across the street - yup, that house f i n a l l y sold.  Holy cow!  Nope, haven't met them. 

OK, that's all for the time being, I am itching to do something.  *Something,* but I have no idea what.  Just not nothing would be good.  I'll let you know how that goes, for now I am gone.  GONE LIKE MARCH!



Unbelievably enough, somebody decided to make off with my good (really good) yellow-fiberglasshandled shovel.

Yup!  Right here in dear ol' Clarkston, where all the people are as honest and upstanding as the year is long. [severe sarcasm intended] 

Uh-huh, right....bite me!  CLARKSTON, and the majority of people in Clarkston SUCK!!!

Clarkstonites are about as rude as rude can be, and behave as they're entitled as any bunch of snotty-nosed little children of parents who condescend toward everyone for no good reason - EVER!

If I had it all to do over again dot-dot-dot.


PS - I know lately my writing has been a little 'off,' so I am simply going to chalk it up to lack of drinking.  Also, I'm ticking off another mark in the "I-could-give-a-shit-that-you-may feel-that-the-writing-is-'off' Category," since no one (except for Maria and Jean - this last bit doesn't apply to you) ever reads this OR cares enough to respond or ask questions.

It's like a fire sale around here

There's another foreclosed-on home not three blocks away - that I am aware of.  This latest house sits on one of three of the busy crosstown streets in town, and still has Christmas lights hanging from the eaves.

The stickers and bank repossession notes are plastered on the front door in full view of the world, and the windows are naked, unblinking portals through which passersby can peer into the empty building.  Some discarded items from a hasty move are now in evidence; most of it scattered around the front stoop or under shrubs along the walk to the driveway. 

This makes six homes within my immediate neighborhood that I am aware of falling to the banker's gavel, but brings the total to more than one dozen for the whole of the surrounding subdivision-like area (this according to my friend, Sherry, our mail courier - she is in the unique position of knowing these horrible secrets).

I hadn't noticed the paperwork hanging on the house until just this week, but the house does somehow look more forlorn than I remember it looking over the very recent past.  Perhaps it's the melting bits of snow, brown grass, and barren bushes adding to the lonely look of the place now that I can see another family has lost their fight against big business and low employment woes.


I miss reading Maria's updates

That's all.

See, Maria has a life.  A full life, and I am envious....and in awe.  I love reading her updates, but she's been so busy between school and her new home shaping up, and family stuff, and just taking part in life in general, that she hasn't any time to post the happenings.

I miss you Maria, but I am glad you are making the most of it all.  And I am hoping by now you have gotten over your cold.


Taking the good with the bad

Sometimes it's a lot of fun being in the car with Karl.  He likes a good assortment of classic rock'n'roll, so we usually end up cranking the volume on the stereo and having fun driving to/from school, and appointments, and haircuts, grocery forays, etc.  Sometimes, though, he would rather talk about games (ugh) he enjoys playing online, or those 'one-players' on his PC (yes, there's a difference between the two...and no, I won't explain it).

He understands that I have no understanding of the games he goes on about, but that doesn't stop him.  Nope, it actually serves to expand the conversation to include all precursor information so that I will understand all that I did not prior to the beginning of the conversation.

"Save me," I mouth to a passing motorist. 

I will listen, I will nod, I will 'hmm' and 'huh' at appropriate moments, and I will concentrate on my driving so as not to glaze over and send us both into a ditch or guard rail.  I am considerate that way.

Sometimes I can steer the conversation away from game mania and find another topic he can relate to enough to make it worth both our whiles.  Not always, but something in the line of 60-65% of the time I am successful.  Pretty good, I'd say.

The radio is my friend.

I especially like when a tune plays that stumps him.  He can pretty well narrow the groups down to an accurate assortment of two or three, and his choices are thoughtful and reasonable given the sound of the music, the instruments, a certain beat or confluence that can sound familiar to him.  Karl makes me proud in this regard.  He likes the musical sound, listens to the lyrics for the sake of the song (and the possible story they tell), and has learned an appreciation for music that was still musical - before the late eighties and disco developed into Prince and rap and ugh [shudder].

Karl has even introduced me to a new genre music that I love to listen to - and oddly, it's an 'electric' version of big band-sounding music. We both like the big band sound, but his addition to my music repertoire is a welcome one. 

Thank goodness for iPods and CDs, that's all I have to say!

Enjoy your drive time.


OK, back to work

Feeling peckish (and craving pizza) I left my current project on the table and headed to the kitchen where I created a masterpiece in a skillet!

Sadly, I discovered the larder was out of tomato paste (how did that happen?), and was running low on naan (a soft flat bread - for those non-foodies out there), but we had two naan remaining with which to make pizza for Karl and myself, so that was all that mattered for the moment!

I slivered onion and julienned artichoke hearts, then sauteed them together in a smattering of olive oil.  Oh, baby!

While the sauteing commenced, I mixed up a poor boy's pizza sauce using a small amount (about 1/2 cup) of a good, plain tomato sauce.  Had it been too watery I was prepared to reduce it a smidge, but fortunately I buy a good-quality store brand, no additives or do-dads, yea! 

And yes, I chose sauce (in the absence of my beloved paste) over some other form of tomato pulp product. 

Before you ask "why tomato sauce and not your usual go-to of crushed tomatoes?" - I'll tell you.  ANY other form of tomato pulp is too wet to begin with.  Even after straining crushed tomatoes they would still be too wet for this sort of, why waste all of that tomato-y goodness when you don't have to?

Grabbed my mortar and pestle and ground up a mixture of anise, a shake of red pepper, anise, oregano, anise, fennel seed, basil, anise, basil, and a couple turns of freshly ground pepper (we don't call it black pepper in this house because not all the peppercorns in our pepper mix are black).  Added the ground rub and roughly a teaspoon of minced garlic (maybe more - OK, yeah, it was more) to the tomato sauce, and stood there like a doofus waiting to spread it over the warm naan.

Meanwhile, I started another skillet on med-to-low-medium heat; wiped the surface with a dab of olive oil and lightly heated the first side of a naan loaf.  Once the naan was turned, I spooned half of the tomato sauce mix over the warmed surface of the bread then liberally covered it with shredded "pizza mix" cheese (monty jack, mozzarella, and a bit of Parmesan). 

Spooned the now sauteed veggies onto the pizza, then quickly added wedges of hard salami over the entire thing (nope, we had no pepperoni).  By this time the cheese was melted beautifully which only helped to heat up the salami pieces, too.

Called Karl out to grab half of the first pizza, and we both smiled as we bit into a crunchy bottom and a chewy top!

Now I have to try and stop thinking about that pizza as I sit back down at the sewing machine.

Yeah, right.


Oh, dear Lord

HOW do you make children - who, by the way, AREN'T r e a l l y 'children' any more so much as they are grown men (sort of) in their mid-twenties - listen to you say something intelligent and meaningful, and not hear it as a criticism?

For instance:
The boy's car has an ongoing problem with the catalytic-converter-to-muffler/exhaust system, wherein about once a year (every 18 months if he's lucky) the damn thing begins to get noisy, then the crack which inevitably develops at the point of contact between the large exhaust piece and the just gives way, and the symphonic sounds of three tricked-out Harleys emanates from under his vehicle.

Did I ask him to have it looked at when I first detected the decibel level rising a few days ago?  YES

Did he use any of his free time to call the mechanic to get it going sooner rather than later?  NO

Has it completely broken?  Yes, YES IT HAS!

Is he grousing and acting as though the world has it in for him?  Oh, yes...yes he is.

And I'm the bad guy for simply broaching the subject of using today for looking into it.


Whoooo boy!

After having just spent more than 4.5 hours helping Bud re-write his resume, I need a drink!

I don't think tea is going to cut it.


Welcome, SPRING!

It's about timeWhere have you been?

Now, get to work!!.........PLEASE.


Overheard on a newscast

"....most importantly, as well."

Really?  And I can't get a job?

It goes like this - day 2




Don't - momentarily.









It goes like this - day 1


Don't snow.


Don't snow.

Snow, SNOW, snow.

Rain lil' ice pellets.









And to those of you in the US (Sweden and Turkey - but mostly the US today), who think they can spew their load of BS onto my blog in order to drive hits on their own so-called "websites", I say: TTHHHHPPPPPPBBBBT!!!

Just over the last half hour there have been a lot of views here at the ol' blog, and a good deal of 'comments' left.  Most folks would be excited at that prospect, but geez, what a load of twaddling liars it has been.

Thank goodness for those encryption add-ons provided by the blog site, otherwise you real readers (and not the oafish SPAMbots, prowling for a place to leave their ruinous, virus-laden garbage) would be subject to attacks of the most insidious sort to your computers.

YOU WILL NOT PASS, SPAMMERS!  You will NOT be allowed to leave your garbage move along.  Scurry off to that soft, mildewy, icky place you reside in under that rock you're so fond of.

Spring has arrived!

Most folks around these parts believe the robin to be the harbinger of spring, but those portly little birds are around for much of the year to begin with (and have been in evidence since January this year) - so, phooey on that theory.

There's no spring in January.  I'm just sayin'.

Nope, for me it's the flocking return of Canada geese and our lovely little ducks.  Waddling lumps of feathers and noise; they spell the imminent return of spring and fairer weather.

But the actual telltale sign of spring has got to be the resounding drumming of a woodpecker in a nearby tree.  Unmistakable and convincing in its rat-a-tat-a-tat-a-dddrrrrrrrrt-a-dddrrrrrrt-a!

This morning I heard it loud and clear - the pushing of the "go button" for spring.  Thank you, Mr. Woodpecker. : )


New face to the world

Spent some of my hard earned (OK, so it's more appropriate to say "frustratingly earned") money on a new windscreen for 'The Duke' today.  He has been needing new glass almost since day one - truth be told.

I think it was a flaw in the installation process that urged the windscreen to POP loudly and then split from the very top center point, where the glass mounts into the car window frame.  The exact spot is just above the rear view mirror - dead center

I was riding alone in the car at the time it happened, and there was no traffic ahead of me or to either side which could have thrown up a stone and begun the horrid process.  I was baffled by the whole thing, but only mildly chagrined by the obvious damage to the glass (until recently).  It was also a terribly hot day and I recall cranking up the AC to revel in the luxury of it in my new car. 

Then....voila!  A nasty crack materialized out of thin air - almost quite literally.  When I went to the dealership to register my concern/complaint/dismay/call it what you will, they as much as said I was not telling the truth, and that there was nothing they would do to make it right.

Well, harrumph!

As the crack grew over time (joining new chips like a connect-the-dots journey), I became increasingly concerned about the possibilities of what might happen if the glass cracked completely through and acrossSo afraid was I of pressure on the glass - and temperature extremes - that I never even allowed myself (or The Duke) a decent car wash. [gasp]

Over the past two years, each time I had a little capital put by (where I could allow myself to even consider a new windscreen) - pow! - a new 'injury' would appear.  However, these were errant stones from motorists on the streets.  With every new chip or crack (or whatever) I would breathe a sigh that I hadn't gone and had a new windshield installed just yet. 

That would have made me quite cross, to say the least.  Still, I wanted a pristine front window on my sweet little car.

So now, the deed is done, and aside from some bright blue painter's tape perched vertically at John's 'temples', the view from my driver's seat is unmarred for the first time since he came to roost in my driveway.

He's perfect.


Carbon footprint question

We all get it -- that unsolicited bunk people stuff (ILLEGALLY) into our mailboxes, or tuck in the flag on the box.  Oh, and the Sunday news insert ads that are dropped at the end of one's driveway....or in the ditch fronting your yard if the delivery person is lazy.

Fliers.  Ads.  Coupons.  Election flotsam.  Non-subscription newspapers.  And this list doesn't even begin to touch the litany of garbage mail sent to my post box through legal and proper means.

So here's my question:
Is that crap MY carbon footprint or is it theirs - the people/entities who leave this shite when I didn't ask for it and don't want it?

Any thoughts?



I will not "link exchange," you SPAMmers.  I will not allow it to be supplanted in my blog entries, and I do not care that you "...would do the same for [me]."

That's my simple answer.


Do you understand thus much English? (Shakespearean quote)

Now, bugger off!  Thank you, and good day.


ick and ewww.7

Well, the day is done, and it was productive to say the least.

By the way, I found another empty tissue box, a dryer sheet, and one final pop can.  The kid sure does use his bedroom space to its full potential!  HA!  Its full EVIL potential.

Wish I had taken a photo before he arrived home, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that for a fleeting couple of hours that room was fairly clean; almost completely without dust and used tissues, napkins and the like littering the floor and other surfaces. 

And I found the desktop!

[blissful sigh]

The next time he is out of the house for a bit, I will continue/finish what I started.  Oh, yeah, baby!

ick and ewww.6

Five total washcloths - I had been wondering why they were disappearing like socks.
Four more tissue boxes.
Three more dryer sheets (maybe more, but I didn't sort through the handfuls of tissue-like matter I pulled from under the bed and dresser).

Oh, and....two additional pop cans and drink cups!

Change is up another $1.13, but cobwebs are down!  No silverware, yet, plus I removed one mug, three one-cup serving bowls, a saucer, and one juice glass before digging in this morning.

Wheeeeee and ewww.

ick and ewww.5

Oh, and I found the surface of his desk!

Sort of.

ick and ewww.4

NINE! Nine old dryer sheets, and an empty cereal box of Quaker Cinnamon Squares.

ick and ewww.3

Seven used dryer far.

Three empty tissue far.

Two empty PopTart wrappers...I'm hoping Karl ate, and not some other fuzzy-wuzzy.

Only two empty drink cups. :)

Multiple piles of coinage, now rolled and away in a drawer.

Approximately $3.80-worth of bottles and far.

Lots of used tissues and napkins - some sucked up into the vacuum.

Game Boy cartridges scattered all over the room....roughly fifteen to twenty, and I'm not done, yet.


Somehow, it feels as though I am re-writing the "12 Days of Christmas" song with some horrific Muppet-ized version.  Hmmmmm.... :^/

Wish me luck, I'm heading back in. :vP

ick and ewww.2

By the way, how concerned should I be with a pile of nail clippings?

I mean PILE.  A mounded pile!

ick and ewww.1

Karl is currently out of the house, and will be for several more hours, so I have taken the opportunity to clean his room.  It's going to be a cursory cleaning at best....but hey, I will take whatever I can get.

He won't do it, and it doesn't matter how much I ask, reason, plead, beg, bribe, nag, scold, cajole, threaten, assist, push, etc., he will not do the dirty deed (literally) by himself (or with accomplices).  So, this is the tactic I must resort to: underhanded stealth.

From time to time I wander in with the vacuum and snag errant tumbleweeds of cat fur and dust, but he grimaces and shouts, so the vacuum and I retreat. 

I am desperate to get as much done as possible when he is absent, and try not to disturb too much other stuff (other than the evident layer of dust and three inches of accumulated used tissues, which never see the inside of a trash can) in the process, but today...I dunno. I guess I just snapped and decided - "Hang it! I am cleaning that room, and will deal with the fallout when he returns."

Pray for me - I'm going back in.


Good news, bad news

It has been a l-o-n-g weekend. 
It began last week, Wednesday, when Brian developed a monster headache.  Just coming off of a nearly two-week-long combo respiratory/head thing (he still harbors the cough and stuffy nose), this headache crept in to stay.

Severe vomiting followed at a rate of two-to-three hours between each episode.  The headache intensified over the next couple of days, and his biggest concern (for him) was lack of poo.

[amused exasperation] Kids.

OK, kids and 101-year-old ladies.

Finally, on Saturday afternoon, his appetite began to rear it's ugly head, so Bud ate a little here and a little there throughout the remainder of the day.  Eventually, his relaxed upset stomach said "no thanks" in a very profound and noisy fashion.

That was 4:30AM Sunday.

Then the headache became aggressively painful, so we drove to an urgent care facility in town (which wasn't McClaren - they are the gov snydley of healthcare).  For $90 this clinic gave him a shot of pain medication and two prescriptions to fill....oh, and a prescription for a CT.

Brian managed to sleep throughout a better portion of the night, waking less frequently then he had been, and no vomiting (thank you, God).  He still required elevation to sleep, but his grade 8 headache is now a purring 3 classification (per his opinion), but it is now painful to have contact with the right side of his head.  ?

Re: the CT - Once it's done, how long before someone reads the CT results and gets back with an answer, solution, opinion, diagnosis do you think?

[disgusted sigh] What a ride.

More later.



It dawned on me that perhaps I should've welcomed us into March in a more genteel - and proper - fashion; that the reason I write is to satisfy myself and to inform some of you...out there.

My apologies for allowing that function to go by the wayside earlier this morning.


('ef' you, SPAMmers)

It's March

- and right on cue another grammar-challenged spammer attempts to load a poorly written, syntax-improper, hot air-filled BS-o'gram onto the blog, saying:
"this is exactly the information I needs and was looking for.  How do you come up with this?  Where do you find your information?  I will study more and come back to you, but look at my website::" blah blah blah (which I'm sure was laced with code and virus-causing gunk - especially where the fonts changed throughout the message).

The most inane aspect was that this particular idiot actually posted their SPAM trash on the previous post - my middle finger salute at SPAMmers.

I once was excited to see readership extend into other countries, now I rue the Russian, Turkish, Indonesian, Balkan, you-name-it-it's-there-ish "audience" totals.  It means people aren't reading because they're interested.  This is a sad thing.  I don't even know if anyone here in the US (besides you guys - Maria and Jean) are reading because I have amused or informed or inflamed or whatever, and you come back occasionally to read more.

Perhaps a few entries of gibberish will help. ?? 
No, probably not.

[heavy sigh]

Unscrupulous people are everywhere, and they will never stop treading on the rest of us.