

New face to the world

Spent some of my hard earned (OK, so it's more appropriate to say "frustratingly earned") money on a new windscreen for 'The Duke' today.  He has been needing new glass almost since day one - truth be told.

I think it was a flaw in the installation process that urged the windscreen to POP loudly and then split from the very top center point, where the glass mounts into the car window frame.  The exact spot is just above the rear view mirror - dead center

I was riding alone in the car at the time it happened, and there was no traffic ahead of me or to either side which could have thrown up a stone and begun the horrid process.  I was baffled by the whole thing, but only mildly chagrined by the obvious damage to the glass (until recently).  It was also a terribly hot day and I recall cranking up the AC to revel in the luxury of it in my new car. 

Then....voila!  A nasty crack materialized out of thin air - almost quite literally.  When I went to the dealership to register my concern/complaint/dismay/call it what you will, they as much as said I was not telling the truth, and that there was nothing they would do to make it right.

Well, harrumph!

As the crack grew over time (joining new chips like a connect-the-dots journey), I became increasingly concerned about the possibilities of what might happen if the glass cracked completely through and acrossSo afraid was I of pressure on the glass - and temperature extremes - that I never even allowed myself (or The Duke) a decent car wash. [gasp]

Over the past two years, each time I had a little capital put by (where I could allow myself to even consider a new windscreen) - pow! - a new 'injury' would appear.  However, these were errant stones from motorists on the streets.  With every new chip or crack (or whatever) I would breathe a sigh that I hadn't gone and had a new windshield installed just yet. 

That would have made me quite cross, to say the least.  Still, I wanted a pristine front window on my sweet little car.

So now, the deed is done, and aside from some bright blue painter's tape perched vertically at John's 'temples', the view from my driver's seat is unmarred for the first time since he came to roost in my driveway.

He's perfect.

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