

Oh, yeah - and another little thing

Apparently, the person formerly known as my 'dad' passed away January 10, 2017.

Who knew?  [shoulder shrug]

Just a thought

If some people I work with spent as much time simply allowing me to do my job (and assisted, as they are supposed to), instead of obstructing and scheming, things would run so much more smoothly and efficiently - and there'd be far less 'Peyton Place' drama where it doesn't belong.

Seriously, they really have that much free time to screw over a co-worker, as opposed to doing a better job at accomplishing their own tasks?  What the...?


A tick in the box

2018 is winding down, but for some reason it feels as though this particular downhill slide to the final midnight is happening at an unusually precipitous rate.  Am I alone in this thought?

Well, before I lose all hope of finishing the year with little more to show than clean cat boxes and a full time job, there's a list in my pocket with several things that require doing before the final days and hours evaporate.  So, allow me to bid you a fond adieu - at least until I can sit at the keyboard again and regale you with bits and pieces of my daily comings and goings.  Shouldn't be long, only a few more boxes to tick.

Merrily yours ~
== ^ . . ^ ==


Catnapping our way to the end of the year

As I stretch out and relax a little, background noise droning quietly and the sound of the twins softly breathing around me, I can't help but finally enjoy the day.  The wind pummeling the windows sounds unforgiving, so I give thanks for this little house and the heat and the lights; not to mention the food in the kitchen, and the clothes, soft bed, running water, washer and dryer...

Thank you, God, for the blessings you've provided, and for the future you have in store for me.  Thank You also for the furry blessings in our lives.

The twins' rhythmic breathing has given way to little grunts and snoring - always a smile-maker.  Their catnaps have been contagious over the past several days, and since I have been home on vacation days (LOVING not being 'you know where'), I have been 'purr-suaded' on more than one occasion to let the drowsiness carry me away.  This decadent lifestyle will be missed when the holidays are over and my vacation time runs out.

Until then, please pardon me while put my head down & close my eyes for just a moment. > ^ _ _ ^ <


Not a day late, just the day after

Yup, yesterday was Christmas, and I managed to keep from uttering 'the phrase" to all but two people, - so, I feel as though I've achieved almost complete hermit status.

All of my cards made it out of my hands and to their recipients (at least I hope they made it to their destinations), but Karl dragged his feet and missed getting one of his (I say three, he says one) out the door and on the way.  Not a bad average

Karl and I each took a turn speaking with mom, but I truly wish she were here - or, at the very least, much closer. it would make visiting easier.  I am aware she doesn't want to leave her beloved northern tundra, her moose and deer, and that icy lake, but I think it's time to get her south of the bridge.  Much as she dislikes living in the land of the trolls, she should be moving into closer proximity to the bulk of her sibs and kinder - sooner rather than later.

We had dinner at the kids' new home in Holly on Christmas eve; it was fairly low-key, and the meal was delicious. 

Just in case you are behind the eight ball, Brian and Angels bought a condo - not too far from their old apartment - and it's a world of difference in size and sounds and smells.  Needless to say, the honeymooners are happy in their new digs, and the pets are settled in, too.  Bud will need to look a little harder to find work with a decent income in that direction, just to keep from having to drive great distances in his old car, but that was the decision they made.

No complaint here, but an observation: it's been a 'warm' season so far - between Thanksgiving and Christmas - and the weather peeps are calling for more of the same... and warmer!  With the bulk of winter ahead of us, I wouldn't mind a bit of this sort of thing lasting the next month or two.  Yes, I do prefer cooler temps to warmer ones, but you take what you can get, right?

The twins are doing well: Booker is far more playful again, so hopefully I can get Karl to play along when I am at work and keep Book moving more to rid him of some chunky monkey pounds.  Even a Maine Coon can be too large.  And Odin is doing better intestinal-ly speaking.  He remains rambunctious and Odin-rific, keeping Booker jumping with his spastic antics; and the FiV is well off in the background for the time being.

OK, so I've covered all of the bases for the time being.  I was trying to be informative and still keep from being too verbose; practice makes perfect, or so they say.  For now, I am going to tidy up a bit, then plunk myself in a chair and sort through some old papers and balance the bank account against the statement!  In the background I will binge on The Great British Baking Show, starting at the first episode.  Yes, I've seen them all before, but it's enjoyable (tasty) viewing, and well worth a second screening.  From there, goodness knows what I'll do, but it will be in the house and not out and about with throngs of people or crazy 'me first' drivers.

Oh, there is one item of note which I didn't go into, but it will keep for the time being.

Blessings to one and all, and safe travels to those on the roads or in the air ~


What are you celebrating... and why?

Shouldn't it always be a time of love?
Especially now, when you've saved up all year for this season of joy, your patience and generous spirit should be overflowing, boundless, and capable of a little more tolerance - at the very least.

Where's the love?

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why it is people feel the need to be overwhelmingly territorial / hostile / possessive / ready to pick a fight over a simple greeting shared at this time of year?

I'm not understanding why it is that humans are coming unglued over someone's choice to say "happy holidays" or "season's greetings" in place of "merry Christmas." It's not a contest or a challenge. It's not meant to disparage your faith or communal spirit, so WHY take it personally? I really don't get it; what a silly thing to get your ' 'murican' panties in a twist over.

If you feel it's a slap to your Christianity to be greeted in a pleasant and alternate way - other than hearing "merry Christmas" - why not practice the time-honored Jesus method of returning the love and say, "thank you, and to you as well." Heck, even "thank you, and merry Christmas to you," would work.

Do you truly believe a rebuke over civility from one human to another is in order simply because you didn't hear your particular turn of holiday phrase?

Think of it this way: perhaps the person who just offended *your* delicate senses is attempting an overarching greeting so-as not to inadvertently exclude anyone else from enjoying their own festivus train of thought.

Boxing Day.
St. Lucia Day
Three Kings Day.

Keep in mind the world is a lot smaller than it used to be, but we are all still one race - the human race. Let's act like that matters.

Peace and joy, people. Peace and joy ~