

ick and ewww.1

Karl is currently out of the house, and will be for several more hours, so I have taken the opportunity to clean his room.  It's going to be a cursory cleaning at best....but hey, I will take whatever I can get.

He won't do it, and it doesn't matter how much I ask, reason, plead, beg, bribe, nag, scold, cajole, threaten, assist, push, etc., he will not do the dirty deed (literally) by himself (or with accomplices).  So, this is the tactic I must resort to: underhanded stealth.

From time to time I wander in with the vacuum and snag errant tumbleweeds of cat fur and dust, but he grimaces and shouts, so the vacuum and I retreat. 

I am desperate to get as much done as possible when he is absent, and try not to disturb too much other stuff (other than the evident layer of dust and three inches of accumulated used tissues, which never see the inside of a trash can) in the process, but today...I dunno. I guess I just snapped and decided - "Hang it! I am cleaning that room, and will deal with the fallout when he returns."

Pray for me - I'm going back in.

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