

It's March

- and right on cue another grammar-challenged spammer attempts to load a poorly written, syntax-improper, hot air-filled BS-o'gram onto the blog, saying:
"this is exactly the information I needs and was looking for.  How do you come up with this?  Where do you find your information?  I will study more and come back to you, but look at my website::" blah blah blah (which I'm sure was laced with code and virus-causing gunk - especially where the fonts changed throughout the message).

The most inane aspect was that this particular idiot actually posted their SPAM trash on the previous post - my middle finger salute at SPAMmers.

I once was excited to see readership extend into other countries, now I rue the Russian, Turkish, Indonesian, Balkan, you-name-it-it's-there-ish "audience" totals.  It means people aren't reading because they're interested.  This is a sad thing.  I don't even know if anyone here in the US (besides you guys - Maria and Jean) are reading because I have amused or informed or inflamed or whatever, and you come back occasionally to read more.

Perhaps a few entries of gibberish will help. ?? 
No, probably not.

[heavy sigh]

Unscrupulous people are everywhere, and they will never stop treading on the rest of us.

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