

Oh, dear Lord

HOW do you make children - who, by the way, AREN'T r e a l l y 'children' any more so much as they are grown men (sort of) in their mid-twenties - listen to you say something intelligent and meaningful, and not hear it as a criticism?

For instance:
The boy's car has an ongoing problem with the catalytic-converter-to-muffler/exhaust system, wherein about once a year (every 18 months if he's lucky) the damn thing begins to get noisy, then the crack which inevitably develops at the point of contact between the large exhaust piece and the just gives way, and the symphonic sounds of three tricked-out Harleys emanates from under his vehicle.

Did I ask him to have it looked at when I first detected the decibel level rising a few days ago?  YES

Did he use any of his free time to call the mechanic to get it going sooner rather than later?  NO

Has it completely broken?  Yes, YES IT HAS!

Is he grousing and acting as though the world has it in for him?  Oh, yes...yes he is.

And I'm the bad guy for simply broaching the subject of using today for looking into it.

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