

Just to review

March 2013 -
You are just about as over as over can be, oh miserable month of March.  Between the inane "March Madness" (ugh), and the absolute crap March weather - not to mention the abhorrent time change to (or from?) "daylight savings" - I am over you!  OVER.

Fine'!  Skedaddle!  Shoo!!  Go on, get outta here!  Get off my lawn. [menacing glower]

While we wait for March to gather its belongings and scurry on away, let's review the month, shall we:

New Pope - cuz the old one 'retired'?  Really?  What a quitter. 
Oh, and can you news people STOP REPORTING EVERY DAMN FIRST THIS NEW POPE HAS?  Sheesh!  I am amazed (and quite frankly a little saddened) you all didn't chronicle his first time using the Papal pooper.  I mean, come on!  Every time he does something for the first time it's going to be his first - but do we ALL really need to hear about it as a big news story?  Get over it already and find some REAL news.  There's plenty out there.

New EM in Detroit - cuz the city has some serious issues to straighten out and the governor decided he could/would send in a person who has less than an adequate record his ownself (visa vi - his owing a lot of back taxes, child support, etc., and ducking out on that responsibility in another state which is not Michigan)!  Right...good choice there, gov Snidiot!  Way to vet someone for their ethics and appropriateness for a really important job.

New jail cell for Kwame K - 'bout damn time that man was made to meet some of his responsibilities face-to-face.  And no, you can't go home to have someone kiss your knee and make it better!  There are a lot of inmates with physical ailments who aren't allowed to leave the 'pen' to see a doctor.  Make some friends and get used to the way life should have been for you for the last few years, you deplorable, despicable person! 

New attitude for Karl - concerning school -- and a glimpse into his future!  Since I do not want to jinx it, I am leaving it at that.  BUT, I will add that he has been passing the tests in math, and getting great grades on the ol', YEA!  thank you, Lord.

New neighbors across the street - yup, that house f i n a l l y sold.  Holy cow!  Nope, haven't met them. 

OK, that's all for the time being, I am itching to do something.  *Something,* but I have no idea what.  Just not nothing would be good.  I'll let you know how that goes, for now I am gone.  GONE LIKE MARCH!

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