

Bounding into the unknown

I don't know what life has planned for me, and I don't think I would want to know if I had the opportunity to peek ahead. I am finding that, despite the awfully big pile of terd matter - that has ocassionally parked itself right outside of my front door (or under my bed, or just to the right of the refrigerator) - has sometimes lead me to side-step one smelly beast only to leave me staring eye-to-eye with another foul and odiferous mess to contend with. But sometimes it has lead me to beautiful fields of flowers to marvel at - and no piles of dung to muck it up!

This is how the last four months have gone for me. So I have acquired quite a brilliant skill - bounding headlong! It has been a wild ride. Not always great, but certainly not completely horrible. Yea! right?

In just about 18 hours (or, to please Mr. Stockwell's exacting standards - "IN LITTLE MORE THAN 18-HOURS ... "), my very own little piece of personal history will be made, and pressed between the pages of a new album of memories.

After tomorrow ends, Q1 of RTV-09-07 will be over, and my fellow classmates and I will be seasoned Specs students. No longer viewed as 'newbies' to those snotty, twerpy dudes who grunge-it-up and hang out in the Media Lab, making sick attempts at tasteless humor - at the expense of those lovely people in Greece (whose homes and possessions were going up in flames for the better part of the summer). Shame on you! Nyah! :^P

Yes, when we return to class October 8th (after a perfectly lovely week off), we will be fresh and ready for the next set of classes. Holy crap, can you believe it!? Eight more weeks of new and challenging knowledge to cram into an already occupied cranium! My brain is loving this.... but it's having a hard time convincing the lump in my throat to take a seat and relax. It's exciting, and as long as I continue to tell myself it's fun - and all completely do-able - I am able to function. Yes, and by the beginning of December, the 09-07 class will be half over, and we will be expected to declare a course of study for the last 16 weeks as SH students.

I already have a spartan internship-sort-of-gig lined up for the winter... and it will afford me an actual title and on-air name credit for my resume! TYL And lately I have been in touch with a neat woman who is trying to get her own screenplay on film. So I will assist her in any way I can, and will become quite entrenched in as many of the aspects of pre-, post- and actual production work as I can be, without becoming a pain in the butt. Oh, who do I think I'm kidding? But, I do intend to be as hands-on as I can be... fly on the wall or in the thick of it, just so long as I learn from it all.

Tomorrow is on the way, and while there is no test to study for, per se, and no cramming that can help at this time, I am going to get some sleep now. It turns out my sniffing and what have you is actually a cold, and not just horribly rotten allergies! Which explains why the allergy pills haven't helped as much all week. Geez! There is, however, the last of the half hour shows to record for Bob for credit/grade (and it's a doozy!), so I want to be at the top of my game for that.

Letting yourself be carried along by the ebb and flow of life can be far more exhilarating than excrutiating. Even if that means sometimes we get a little messy and stuck in the poo, remember there is always a hose and a bar of soap waiting for you. Have a great weekend, one and all, and think happy thoughts at really odd moments. They are so worth it!

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