

Goodbye, July....

Well, my mother had her birthday on Monday, the 28th, and Gram celebrated her 97th year on the planet mid-month. So, between my mom, son number 2 and grandmother, July was a month full of possibility and birth...if you can follow my logic.

July found me still working for a pittance as an intern at the RenFest office; sending out resumes and hoping for word on work in the production beginning there soon - or a positive outcome to one of many interviews I have had. Truthfully, the interviews haven't been numerous so much as secondary ones for an employer who thinks it funny to amuse themselves with multiple appts on my dime. And no, it didn't pan out. I even received a VERY late 'no thank you o'gram to a position I interviewed for over a month and one half ago. I had written that one off weeks back, and was surprised to finally get the "we went a different direction" note.

Really? Please don't bother.

Pardon my cynicism, I am just feeling defeated and scared and I am running out of time (and $). My possibilities are growing slim, and I am running in circles wondering what to do next.

Stay tuned for August, where I hope to be writing some happy news! Be well.

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