

Survival mode

Well, we survived most of the dead of winter, but we've all become "snow zombies" in the process.

Yeah, that's right, you heard me.  I said it - "snow zombies." And at present, we are looking ahead to more of the same, even as the calendar ticks by and we find ourselves inching through February...March looming precipitously on the horizon.  There are now promises from the meteorological set that another polar vortex is in the offing for the coming week.  This is why I didn't say we were looking 'forward' to more of the same, but "ahead" to it.

WHO would ever look forward to polar vortex weather?!?!?

We survived another round of winter Olympics, despite Putin and his reign of superiority complex.

I've survived mid-terms and am so grateful that stress/ordeal is over.  It's now downhill through the remainder of the semester and final projects, etc.  Humanities is a great comfort, since it's writing - and that I can do [sigh of relief].  Even the animation class is pretty OK, as far as that goes, just a lot of work - with more to come.  It's my doggone web Design class that is giving me fits.  I am finally getting a grasp on the concepts, but the application of it is murder.  What hasn't helped is being computer-less at home, and having no way to work on the assignments away from class.  Yes, I can use the lab on campus, but to take advantage of the only tutor for the subject matter I would have to blow off another class on one of two days he is available.  That's not a great option.

Karl is surviving the Humanities class, compressed though it may be.  He will be done with his semester in just a few weeks (once we return from mid-winter break), and then I will have only two classes to contend with while he remains at home those particular mornings.  He has done remarkably well staying on top of the assignments and participating in class.  He feels he may not have fared well on the mid-term (and I can have done well or not-so-well-as-I'd-have-liked), but that's over and done with, and there are only a few weeks left with only four more papers to write.  Phwew!  Monumental happiness and relief.  We will use the week off to write two of the papers (I hope he will stick with that game plan), and then will keep up with weekly class expectations when class resumes in ten days.

Ah, it's too cloudy outside for the sun to shine, but something just allowed the light to grow brighter than the particular shade of gloom which has dominated the day thus far.  The winds picked up to gusting and steady, heavy blowing about an hour ago.  Forecast is for 30 MPH sustained winds, with gusts of 40-50 MPH all day and into the evening.  Could wreak havoc on electrical lines and phone service, so let's hope this is survivable without losing power...again.

Take care and be well.  More another time.

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