

Holy cow patties

WARNING: This is going to be pretty random stuff.

I dislike odd dreams; and why is it that the only dreams I can remember are the odd ones?  Ugh.  The feel of it - the thoughts from it - are coloring my mood today.

I had definite plans for my weekend, and Karl was 'on board' as of Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, but sometime yesterday his mood and work ethic hit the skids.  Tooth-pulling would be easier than getting this kid to knuckle down and finish writing his final.  Sheesh!

Found out the neighbors to the rear of my property are both gone, now.  He passed away last spring - May or so.  She just died a few days ago.  The elderly widow, two doors down to my north, is in poor health, and my neighbors directly next door aren't spring chickens. The only consistency on this block is the change in neighbors - either due to foreclosure or death. [sigh]

Brian is ill for the third time this season - although, he is on the mend. Wish he'd take better care of himself.

Did some mild cleaning and found thank you notes that I thought had been mailed months ago.  MONTHS! I also found Christmas cards I'd addressed but never sent.  So, I am already ahead of the game for this year. HA!

PQ1 will be hanging in the OCQG "Celebration of Quilts 2014" (or is it "Quilt Celebration 2014"?) this spring.  Delivery will happen in early April, and then the show is a whole two days long.  But at least it will be seen one more time.

Last week of the compressed Humanities class is happening in the week ahead. It's been lots of work in a very short time span, but I wonder how would have been different in a more traditional semester setting.  Karl and I are looking forward to having this class over and done with, but then I still have two more classes to get through for the semester. In short order it will be time to enroll in spring/summer classes, and we've already talked (Karl and I) about something more conducive to an employment schedule, since I am inviting employment to walk in my door. I am challenging employment to slap me in the face. Best be prepared with open mornings and afternoons - although it is much easier to sit in class and absorb the information early in the day, and not after a full day of everything else. Ya know what I mean?

OK, that's about all for now, I have real work that needs doing.

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