

I have to laugh

Look at it outside.  Really....look at it!

Sunny, gorgeous blue sky, and yeah, breezy. Gusty, really, but hey - it beats the crap out of yesterday.  Steel grey sky, windy as the ef-word, and that whole rain/snow mix ("snain").

And unbelievably enough, those little trick-or-treaters were out in droves.  DROVES.  More bunches of kids passed by the house last night in the first hour - garbage bags and all over their sad lil' costumes - than have been down this street over the past two...maybe three years combined!

Couldn't even tell you who looked more miserable - the parents standing at the ends of the driveways, escorting the mini demonites, or the actual candy beggars.  Doesn't matter.  I'll just bet the lack of houses giving out candy along our stretch last night sharply curtails what we see bopping down the street next year.


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