

Really, 2018?

Not guilty!  I did NOT say - or even think - "what else can happen?" Did NOT say or think, "it can't get any worse/how bad can it get?"

I let 2017 wimper on out and ignored the midnight tolling of the bells.  And this is the thanks I get.

We are going visiting today, and I asked Karl to jump into the shower while I punched down the bread dough and parsed it into the baking pans for its second rise.  I had a load of laundry going and was feeling pretty content.

I heard the sound of water, but it didn't register that the sound was a bit out of the ordinary for the washer (downstairs).  Nope, I chalked it up to Karl in the tub. (yea - no arguments or demanding or repeating myself for a change).

Then Karl breezed by and headed to the lower level to check on the wash - thinking he would take it out of the washer and get it into the dryer, in hopes of wearing one of the dress shirts in the load.  This day was getting better and better.

Then Karl yelled up to me, "Is the floor supposed to be wet?"

Nope, oddly enough, it isn't supposed to be wet.

How fast do you think I flew downstairs?

It looks as though the pipe that the washer drains into froze... that is to say, whatever standing water was in it from the last wash before this extreme cold snap.  The sound I heard and did not identify was that of the water splashing about at high pressure and fanning out on the wood floor and soaking into the insulation underneath.  At least, I am HOPING the drain pipe is the issue.

Damn it!

Well, at least the bread smells good in the oven.

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