

My thoughts are all over the place

I have to find a way to be as wise and capable of utilizing and filling the hours of my off time and weekends as I am at managing the hours at work.  What's up with that, anyway?

The last several months have been filled with so much activity and expectation and impending milestones, that I scarcely begin to concentrate on the first item when I realize I am nowhere near ready for the next one.  And then....WHAM!  The first event arrives and passes in such a rush, it's like watching a speeding train slam pass as you stand inches away on the platform - feeling the heady gust of tumultuous breeze in its wake.

At first you are knocked back a bit, but then the momentum of the tidal air catches you up and drags your clothing, your hair, your possessions along with the train's inertia.  It's irresistible in its force; the excitement, the speed, the unknown, the hopes, the dreams...

...and then it's gone.

It wasn't your joyous moment; you're just sharing it with the owners - or rather, they were just sharing it with you.  But that doesn't matter, because the need for adding happiness into your life in any way possible is a larger impetus than the actuality of simply being a bystander in your own everyday world, and hoping to find a little joy of your own here and there.

This year has been/is going to be such a succession of happiness and life changes for my family - oh, and for friends near and far, too (but never far from my heart).  2018 seems consumed with improvement and joy - and it's about time, too.  So come on, bullet train!  Speed through and make our lives better.  Stir up a wake of indescribable happiness and change.  The happiness will be a nice change.

That said, here's me, trying to find ways to induce myself to become more reactive; to be a person of action on my own behalf.  Here's me hoping to make change and improvements an everyday occurrence and not just something borne out of an immediate need.  Instead of lazily spending my weekends in a relaxed mode, I need to make myself more of a doer (not an overachiever, per se), more of a go-getter and a 'get-er-done-er' for my own benefit.

Wish me luck - or come give me a kick in the butt.  Either would be welcomed and gratefully accepted.

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