


This is not a random thought, just something I wanted to get off my chest.  
However, I may have written it in a random way, and for that I apologize.

People at work who are "team leads" or "managers", but who do not know how to lead or create team mentality, and who only manage to create chaos, create backlash from their favoritism practices, and put discourse in place from their own backstabbing and setting people one against the other...those are the impostors.

Impostors practice incessant lying and covering up of things gone wrong, making masses of issues and stacks of boxes, and tempers flare.  There is one expert impostor in the White House (and he's put many more like himself - they're called 'yes men' - in places of power) slinging his malicious brand of subterfuge and ignorance.  We are all suffering because of this buffoon impostor.

Even our new HR rep accused me of 'trying to pull one over on the new guy' when I brought to his attention a pervasive problem regarding my vacation time.  I thought I'd found a fresh set of ears to listen and help me figure it out and fix the oversight.  Fortunately, he finally ended up looking further than his ego (and initial perception of my request), and righted the wrong.  I just couldn't believe his initial response was to whitewash it by accusing me of trying to cheat the company out of something I had earned and was entitled to, rather than to listen with an open mind.

Our specific building is chockablock full of impostors in positions of leadership, and they have no idea of what they are doing - except when they practice their crap skills, totally intending to create chaos in other directions to keep the eyes of scrutiny engaged in looking in the wrong place, and not focused on problems caused by the impostor's own inadequacies.

Impostors light a fuse then stand back and watch with glee.

Atomic boom.

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