

Work related - sort of

People always ask me, "How do you do it?  I would never put up with that," they say, "...the way [unnamed person] talks to you.  Why do you let them?"  Others ask, "Don't you ever feel like just leaving when it happens?"

Don't be silly - of course I do (EVERY DAY), but here's what they don't know:

Personally, I think those people are simply jealous.  [insert internal laughter]

"[Unnamed person] is mine!" I tell them, "And you can't have them."  To which the automatic, and very swift response is, "I don't want [unnamed person], you can have them!"

Yeah, that's kinda what I figured.

There are days when the thought of smacking this person upside the head with a handy portion of a broken pallet is quite appealing, but then reality creeps in. 

Where would I hide the body?

How much digging would it entail?

Would it be worth the possible jail time?

Most importantly, do I get to keep all of my paid vacation time and quarterly bonus?

Hey, it pays to be objective.

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