

Just a little review of the weekend

Oh yes.... long and very warm. Lots of walking. LOTS of walking.

Of course, it's fall in MI (or nearly so), and the weather will do as it must, but we all know, if I had my druthers, it would be the lovely fall temps and the colors changing all year.

Actually, I would like it to be spring and early-/mid-fall all of the time. But you take what you can get, right?

So, we are still on the prowl for people to populate our crowd scenes during the week during filming, plus in high gear to find dancers (witches) and little people (don't ask), but since neither scene is on paper (still stuck in the minds of those who thought them up), we are at a loss - spinning our wheels and using valuable time in a non-productive way.

The weekend was spent scrambling around the MRF grounds with a camera and a clip board to get names, photos and contact info...and it was fun for the most part. My fear is that these people all think they are going to be stars. I feel rotten for getting their hopes up, but I guess this is a part of the schtick, right?

Anyhow, I am usually wiped out by the end of each day, and they are getting their cheapo $100/day's worth of my time and energy. Some days are 14 hours long, with expectations which extend beyond the realm of polite.

Hey! throw a little more doh-re-me at me and I may be happy to go non-stop. But the union says no more than 6 days in a row...and no more than 12 hours for each.

I have quickly learned my loyalties are to MYSELF!

Love to you, and please stay in touch. My ability to correspond (and try to catch up) will be very limited for a while. But I do intend to return email. Ciao!

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