


Well, timing IS everything...oui?

I was looking over the MAB web site, and located the description for WNEM, and when I read to the bottom of the description guess what I found.

Are you going to guess?

Oh come on...guess.

Fine, I'll tell you. The deadline for the submission of 'goods' to them for the trainee position was before I found out about it.


Ah well. I can only hope and pray that my connection helps to get my foot in the door, and that I am thrown a huge bone.

If not, it's back to the grindstone. Actually, I haven't left the grindstone, I just haven't been really applying myself to the whole search-and-send-resumes-thing. But I now know I have to get back to it full time.

Oh, if only somebody paid me to continually search for work and send in resumes to prospective employer interviewers.

If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak.

Stay tuned, and keep in touch.

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