

A brief recap

...followed by (no doubt) a lot of extra catch-up stuff.

Hello, once again!

I did say that entries would be hit or miss for a while, and I did promise (myself more than the lot of you) to try and be more upbeat in my writing, too (but that was all, what... over a year ago?).  So, here's me, feeling a bit more buoyed and a tad more hopeful in sharing a somewhat cheerier self.

The job market may be on the uptick, but employers seem to be stuck in 'stupid mode'.  I am stuck in the data entry job I won back at the beginning of 2016; come early January I will have been there two years.  While immensely grateful to have the job, I need a place to work with a job that will allow me to do what it is I can do, very well, and to the benefit of my employer.

No, I do not have a Bachelor Degree, but what the heck would an administrative position require of a BS?  The expectation of employers for job seekers to hold sheepskin that will never be used on the job is asinine.  Try hiring someone with years of experience, not years of schooling. 

Other things -

I've been s l o w l y working a high protein, low-to-no grain, limited ingredient moist food into Odin's wet helpings over the last several months.  It is the same 'hi-pro, lo-to-no, LI' food we are feeding Booker, and the hope is to eventually be able to wean Odin off of his very expensive prescription food and have him eating a more easily obtained (and more affordable) diet.  He may always have to have his special prescription crunchy chow, but my thought is he will be able to handle an over the counter canned food by the end of the year!  So far, so good.  His intestines are processing it better than before. and if we see an issue with his body not being able to adjust to an increase at any time, the amount fed goes backwards until he stabilizes and his poos are back to normal.

The only real trouble is keeping Odin away from Booker's crunchy food, and Booker from eating any of Odin's kibble. 

The twins are also bonding in big and little ways.  Odin walked up to Book, who was reclining on the floor, they sniffed one another, then Booker lowered his head just a bit and Odin licked the big fella between the ears.  Much more of their romping and play is also being done in full view of us humans, too. 

Karl is doing well enough in his ethics course, but must get moving with the one long writing assignment he has.  The first deadline is quickly approaching, with no wiggle room to speak of.

We are walking a little more regularly (Karl and myself), which is a very necessary activity.  This past week I arrived home after work to find Karl had left the house on his own!  He walked to a friend's house, roughly ten blocks away, and then on to the dollar store - over a mile away... in one direction!

A few weeks back I fell down some stairs in a workplace stairwell, spraining my right hand and ankle, and bruising my left hip and buttocks; it was an amazing bounce down five steps.  I am no longer wearing the wrist brace, but still massaging the wrist and thumb.  I've even begun stitching on my CQs again! 

Yesterday was one long, rainy day.  I'm not certain about how much of the state received rainfall, but my house was rained on from 8AM until midnight, with a forty-five minute break right around 8:30PM.

Maybe you could let me know what's happening in your life.

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