

Has it really been a week?

Wow, these last few weeks have really flown by. With nothing to occupy my time other than to look for work, send out an endless stream of resumes, have an interview here or there, look for work, clean and sort through papers/files, send out more resumes, beg for work, follow-up on interviews and previously sent out's just flown by.

Look out!

DUCK! There goes May!

Has it really been a week since my last entry? Holy Spam-chops, Porkman-do!

I mean, I know it's only just begun, but it seems May is going to be an SST of a ride. There are only 2 more unemployment checks before it runs out, and then things are gonna squeak if I can't find something to pay the bills.

Dear Lord, please help me get to a paying job that will cover the bills and mortgage.

And while I am praying, please keep our family and friends in your loving care:

JOYCE, who is just beginning the next phase of her cancer treatment, and who also needs to be strong for a procedure to fix some trouble with her heart. She needs her strength for chemo, beginning next month. Help JEAN, who needs to keep her eyes on the prize and her spirits up, during the big D crap she is experiencing just now. She can do it! BRIAN, my oldest, who needs faith and determination. HE could do with a swift kick to the kiester to motivate him into ANYthing just now. With his recently printed artwork in an international horror story mag, he needs to accept that sometimes you really have to apply yourself to get somewhere. KARL, my youngest...please put on some sunglasses and come into the lighted/lighter areas of the world! Plan a future, or at least...think about working towards one. My brother, ANDY, he is also going through some trevails physically and job-wise. Carry him to some relief, please.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

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