

By the way...

I forgot to mention that I have also gotten back to work on the dog quilt (at long last), as well as making a stab at completing the orange and brown study piece so that I might be able to stretch it soon and get busy quilting it, too.

Too many begun works and not enough finality going on.

While waiting for Karl this week, I got a lot of handwork done so it wasn't all wasted time, and not a lot of gas was used running back and forth, either. I rolled the extra backing material to the front and slip stitched it in place to temporarily cover the edge of the top (to keep it from fraying) and to encase the crap polyester batting so it would stop shredding and getting all over everything (and into my eyes). Normally, I would never use poly batt, but it was in my supplies from years ago, and I couldn't see throwing it away and wasting it when I could use it in the sample wall hanging.

I located the final brown for the outer border for Orange/Brown 1; and yes, if you are keeping score, I have made another change to the way I planned to finish off the border.

What's new, right?

I will post a photo for you before the day is out so you can see where I am with it, and what I am planning. I want to get the back for it assembled while at Gram's and be able to stretch and pin it sometime early February when I can round up a couple sets of willing hands for the process.

I will also post a current photo of the first dog quilt (also a wall hanging) so you can see what has been accomplished with that one, too.

My lovely old friend, Bernina, is behaving badly and really needs an overhaul, but I hate the idea of parting with it for a week, so I am trying to get my piecing out of the way so while it is gone I can keep from sitting around rue-ing the lost time.

I also hate the idea of shelling out more money for repairs on the silly thing when the last repair shop didn't do the repairs right in the first place! All that money, and they went out of business before I went back to complain when the machine begain acting up shortly after getting it home and using it a month!

OK, enough for's way past my bedtime, and I have a bunch to do early tomorrow, so I am out of here for the time being.

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