

There's food in the fridge

That's about the only good thing to report.

Gram isn't doing well, but she is still getting up and around on her own...well, with the aide of her trusty walker. Her confusion is evident more and more, and she clearly believes she isn't in her own place...and not in her own bed sleeping.

Today, I am starting the day with very little sleep, as she needs a lot of assistance to go from bed to the loo - and there are many trips throughout the night.

About a week ago she fell to the floor trying to get back into bed after an early morning jaunt to the toily, and I can't imagine what sort of help she was getting after that.

I have found it easiest to get her to an upright position from laying down, by having her wrap her arms around my neck and hanging on while I right both of us at once. It seems to help her, and it is quickest and most sure (at least to keep her steady and keep her from falling again until she can move around more freely and on her own). Once she gets to her feet, she is pretty capable and self-sustaining. Additionally, I remind her that her legs are strong, and that she should count on them and USE THEM to get up and down, and not pull or push herself solely with her weak arms. Do your exercises in your chair instead of simply sitting there.

My plan is to keep her moving and getting up and down frequently to keep her "limber" instead of compacently atrophy-ing in a chair or in her bed. Lots of liquids and certainly food when she is hungry.

We have decided I will stay an extra day this time, leaving on Monday afternoon instead of Sunday, just for the added mental bliss, and so I can speak to whomever might be getting her to an appointment - so they have a good understanding of her complaints and what she has been accomplishing.

Keep good thoughts, and take care of your own selves. More another time.

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