

Dropping like flies

The headcount of those ill continues to grow around the ol' casa, now numbering three-of-six. That's two humans and one feline to be specific.

Hobbes seems to have been the first one of us to fall, followed closely by Brian. 'Beana' (Hobbes to you uninitiated blog readers) is the eldest of our furry family members, and had a high metabolism which keeps her constantly hungry. Although, for all of the eating she does, she never tops anything more than five or six pounds on the scales - if THAT. Her cold keeps her sniffing throughout the day and night, snorking and wheezing; blowing little kitty snot-bubbles in an attempt to clear her nose. Usually, the snot-bubble events happen in the still of the night, as she lies next to me on our queen-sized bed - she, slumbering (or preening) at her pillow and me snoozing blissfully on mine. I am awakened at intervals of what seem to be half-hour to forty-five minutes apart, and then never fully allowed to fall back into anything remotely close to a deep sleep. She doesn't hate me, she just thinks it's amusing to play the part of the mist off Niagara Falls in my face.

A stuffy nose is no different for a cat in its discomfort or inconvenience level than it is for a human, but humans can adjust easily to mouth-breathing if we have to - cats don't like that practice at all. And Hobbes...well, Hobbes likes to share.

And her stuffiness makes eating a bit of a chore, too, so I am met with a lot of uneaten food in her bowl. Good thing her fluffy sister has no issue with poaching leftovers.

At any rate, Bud's illness began in the form of the annoying throat-clearing which only seems to raise my hackles - and my mommy alarms. By the time he was really "a-hem, uagh, a-hem, mgg-uaghing" enough to make me want to smack him with a two-by-four, it was too late to pre-emptively strike with Airborn or some other nip-it-in-the-bud OTC remedy. Nope, he was in for a bit of a sick spell; but it went from a headcold to his chest. Then that mucus-to-throat issue created vomit a-n-d now an ear infection to boot! Along the way, he also seemed to be bothered by chills and muscle aches just as the headcold appeared to abate, so I am flumuxed by this round of sick.

However, Karl began throat-clearing, drippy nose, and sore throat complaints two or three days ago, then developed the dreaded "D" yesterday, just to make it interesting. Last night he then began to complain of aches in his joints, a headache and off to bed he went!

The remaining two cats and I are keeping some distance where we can, and are avoiding touching tissues irresponsibly left around the domicile. Other than that, everyone is well.

Oh, except I seem to have a repeat of a nasty eye infection of my left eyelid - again! Second time inside of a month, and it seems to happen after teaching at the JAF. Gotta be kid cooties, eh? Hoping the swelling is gone by tomorrow, since it looks as though I lost a round to a boxer, and you can't put make-up on that.

Hope everyone is fairing better wherever you are.

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