

How can she possibly have more to say?!?!

Well, it's fairly easy. I mean, have you met me, yet? LOL

Today was a day...not hard, just frustrating (oh, but very, very gratifying in many ways). I was flattered by several requests to dub in as a second (and sometimes third) voice for our second project in the audio class. My thanks to Austin, Scott, Tisheena (hi 'sheeners) and Matt for requesting my services - I am honored to be a part of your work. Never have I ever been a more enthusiastic costume-shy, English gum-pimping, bag-pipe licking, lounge sleeze than I was this afternoon. Wahoo! What fun, thank you. And to Lauren as well, for agreeing to be my daughter in my 60-second spot.

Now...if I can just find the time to get my bed mixed and mastered so I can lay my VO on top for a final cut. Austin, I still need to try my hand at tweaking the audio - but thanks for the quick lesson. Very cool!

Dear family, I've tried to insert my first project for your listening pleasure (it is just an audio mix, and I received an A- for the grade), but the blogsite does not accept the file type. So, if you want to hear it, I am afraid you will have to email me and request the small file. I can send it individually and you should have no problems opening it and listening. (Note: Brian says I sound like an NPR voice and not like myself at all.) I hope to be able to post my PSA from first semester here soon, as it was pretty good, even with me in the shot. And, from what I can tell, I should have no troubles posting the video...go figure.

Have a good night, and check back in over the weekend. I will place some new photos here tomorrow, but for now, I am going to put my feet up and get lazy for the evening - it's been a lo-o-o-ng week. Love to all.

1 comment:

Mooskers J. Featherbottom III said...

Yeah, I played what I have done for the wife - she laughed hysterically (like I thought she would). She is more anxious than me to hear the final result!