

Pay the the electric the piper

...the greedy bugger!

Let the piper get a job like everyone else! Speaking of which: I went to a job fair at the school yesterday - very entertaining - and so much better in the attendance department by hopeful employees than the job fairs I went to (larger venues and employer selection) this spring/summer. Makes me want to grab the state by the collar and shake it (and all of the job agencies that will sell you to a company as a resource and take the greater share of the money). Shame on them all. :^p

At any rate, I shook hands with a few characters, a few hiring managers, a couple of representatives who were sent to stand there and represent, and the regular rah rah Army recruiters. Most of the stations there (whether radio or TV) were not hiring per se', but they do encourage internships. Of course there were a few jobs sprinkled here and there, but those were for graduates or others who have some in-the-biz experience - and there were tons of those folks lined up. Truthfully, I did not wait in many of the l-o-n-g-e-r lines, but to those I had the chance to communicate with... THANKS! Thanks for the pointers and the words of encouragement and advise.

There was some interesting swag, and the typical junk. One of my classmates loves swag, so she grabbed everything she could while breezing through! LOL The Army made me take a calendar - so I did, but mostly because I felt sorry for them (nobody stopping to speak with them)... a-a-a-n-n-d because I could not have outrun them if I said "no". Hey! I was in heels.

I did go dressed for conversation, but not in my dressiest work/interview garb. I know, I know... first impressions and all of that. Blah, blah, blah.

I was wearing a professional looking jacket and a clean office-appropriate top, nice slacks and heels (yes, and pantihose), so I looked the part. But it wasn't the standard dark suit/all-business attire I probably would have donned if I had had a proper "invitation" to interview. There's plenty of time for that, I think. Lot's of Marketing and Advertising heads there, and they seemed to plead for someone to want the job(s) they did have available. I talked to enough people to get a feel for what is ahead, and I felt somewhat hopeful... but at the same time, predictably non-plussed. Not certain if that is a good thing. Hhmmmm.


1) Well, we did get our grades back on Monday, and I managed a 4.0 (assisted a bit by attendance), but still - I am on the Honor Roll or Dean's List, or whatever it is; and my final exams scores were 96%'s to 100%'s, so I am happy. I simply need to retain the knowledge for the next 6 months to make it count!

2) My "internship" with the cable broadcast of a bible quiz bowl show in Dearborn/Detroit begins the first of November (and it will pay a bit... so gas/oil costs are covered, thank you). But, it IS a paying gig, with credits! Yeh!! And before the third semester!!! Ta-da-a-a-ah.

3) Still writing the screenplay, yes, and it is coming along very well. Slower than I would like, but all-in-all, I am putting down on the page what I want to have hit the screen. Twenty more pages and I will send it to Ross for a review, along with my list of questions regarding the formatting, etc.

4) The PA (Production Assistant) Workshop will happen in two weekends, and from what I have seen and heard, this will be as crowded as the job fair yesterday, so I am getting to the building VERY early to get a good seat in front.

5) Still have a lot of books to catalogue and re-box to sell. Please pray the woman in Metamora still wants to buy them (or the bulk of them). Plus, when the books are fully catalogued, etc., I will be able to park in the garage for the winter! Woohoo! (Many thanks to my little brother for adjusting my garage door and troubleshooting the issues we had trying to get it to close.

6) And when Rhonda is ready to roll, I am still on the chain gang for her movie production. The more knowledge I acquire during the wait, the more help I will be for her on the crew. So, looking forward to that whole process.

My cousin Scott, and his lovely bride Laura, were wed on Saturday, in a beautiful setting in Manchester. The weather was almost perfect for October, with the exception of high humidity. But, since it wasn't cold or raining, it was a beautiful day. Just really, really sticky with the hot temps. All of the aunts and uncles were there, as were most of the cousins (Scott's peers), and my secret desire is to upload photos into this blog of mine by the end of the weekend... so anyone reading can grab a copy of the cute family photos - the cuzzy cuzzes (cousins), the entire clan (save the bride and groom), and the Gram with her off-spring. So cool. Still waiting for the four generation shot from the photog (who, unfortunately for him, was sitting on the patio, in the dark), when we all went out there to get the last photos before the Ludwigs had to go. By the way, thanks to them for putting up with the last minute request.

OK, that's it for now. I have some things I need to do before getting out of here for class. New Wednesday schedule, and all. Oh, and my sewing machine is fixed and ready for pick-up, so I am really needing some extra time for me. My love to all, and thanks for reading. I will have a son update soon, although most of you saw them over the weekend, so there's not much to tell. TTFN

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