

Happy Halloween...and hello-o-o-o November!

Before the chance to say it completely disappears, "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" to one and all.

As my first day of intern-ing fast approaches, I need to make this quick so I can get some rest before tearing out of here at 7 a.m. The drive to Dearborn is 40 miles one way (ouch!), and with the morning commuters, it will take roughly an hour - so extra sleep is mandatory. Yikes! My days of falling asleep by 9:45 p.m. are behind me (sadly), and I miss my very early wake-up regimen...but tomorrow will test my ability to follow the command of the freakin' alarm and get out of bed and into action in a timely way. Over the last two months I have slowly migrated away from 6+ years of "training" and habit, and I find myself becoming more sloth-like in the a.m. Maybe this internship will help to get me back in to a better routine. Naaaawwww! [sgnort!]

Anyhow - here are the latest offerings (photographically speaking). Some of the pics were too fuzzy to post, so I apologize to anyone who was looking for something specific and doesn't find it. But, I hope you manage to find something that makes you smile.

I did notice a bit of an alphabetical theme happening as I captioned the pictures. Lots of 'c' words, so I guess this would be a C-average collection. Grant me a little latitude while you read my descriptions, it's late, and I am only thinking about copping some z's.

The day starts out somewhat normally, until you take a closer look.


All quiet on the western front.

Tell me if this next picture doesn't look as though DblD is playing Jose's head like a bongo. Seriously. Remember, grant me license to s-t-r-e-t-c-h here.


Bongo is Beautiful . . . . . . . Bride of Boogey Man

Pardon the alliteration with this next bevy of beauties.


Cheeky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheesey

Chickie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.HI.P.PY

I was having a hard time trying to decide who's feet were larger, until I saw these plates of meat (English term for "feet")...


Larry, Curly, Moe and Shemp -

- you decide which is which.



Dameon before . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What the Dameon?!


The eyes have it! The Madhatter thinks his hair is dreamy (of course), but the ever-exhuberant entourage ogles his eyes. Everybody has an opinion...what's yours?

A picture says a thousand words, like.....


And hopefully, these last two pieces (video-ettes) upload. Happy haunting!

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