

We got a long way to go, and a short time to get there...

...I'm eastbound. Just watch old Bandit run!"

That tune just keeps running through my head. Especially when I am driving to class. Of course, I substitute "southbound" for "eastbound", but I don't think Jerry Reed would mind. LOL

You got yer ears on, son?

So, the last several weeks have been a bit of a cluster f*** as far as schedules and school. Between the holiday breaks interrupting , snow days, more holidays, the instructors switching the schedule around to fit their own needs...we have barely had what one would consider a decent forth quarter education.

Personally speaking, I think one of our instructors talks a mile-a-minute, barely allowing for note-taking (or taking a breath). He punctuates everything by rapping stacks of paper on desks, or audio equipment, or the podium he speaks from. My belief: he hypes up on Red Bull from the minute he wakes up, and chases it with espresso shooters, just to make it through the day with his eyes open. Experiencing one of his 'lectures' is like watching a drug-hyper pup try and figure out which tree he is going to take his much-needed tinkle on. Poor bladder. And if that wasn't enough insanity, he is stuffing down what should be 8 weeks worth of information/class sessions into not even five sessions. His classes are just over two hours long, and the time he allows us to fulfill the in-class assignment is ludicrously short...during which he constantly interrupts, or has interruptions from other staff members wanting to have conversation. Add to that, he is continuously reminding us of the time we have remaining to get the assignment done. VERY nerve-wracking. At least it is for me.

Another pitiful excuse for properly preparing us is the sad 4-week effort to instruct us in (cram down our throats) FCP and PSD. Notwithstanding, some of the students already either have the software, or have had instruction from another source - community college, high school, availability outside the class - which is great for them. Those of us who require more time to process, digest, use, become familiar with something have been left in the dust. Then, adding insult to injury, they administer these quizzes to measure our knowledge (so the school can look as though it's providing and measuring real growth and knowledge transfer), only to throw us into new classroom settings (or, away from practice and hands-on time with the software). Yes, creating commercials will be fun, but trying to utilize the equipment/software we barely know to edit and finalize the projects is asinine.

Anyhow, that's my rant for the moment. Although I did love and appreciate the lighting lecture, and I think it is woefully inadequate for the school that they don't provide this lighting portion as a part of regular instruction. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! In other words...'what da f***!?'

Thanks, Jose, for a brilliant pinpoint of light in a gaping black hole which is Q3.

Planting photos in here after I wash some dishes. Later!

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