

Well, Happy New Year! Welcome to the Winter Wonderland

How do you like these apples?

Living in the "weather belt" has been fun, but I think it may be time to move completely out of it! We never want for the snow storm experience...or the ice storm aftermath...or the scare of tornado season...and the heavy rains when they happen, and this new year is already no exception to the weather maelstrom.

These photos are cool but dreary, as today is grey and sunless. This was the least amount of snow on the car - 10.5 inches! The covered porch faired somewhat better with only 8".

We had our own version of the New Year's Ball....that is a mound of snow on top of the umbrella finial! That silly little finial isn't an inch across the top, either! Usually, there are sparrows or junkos perched on it - with their tiny feet clutching it as if their lives depended on not letting go.

I know it's mean, but I almost want to put birdseed on top just to see if/what would happen when a little bird lands to eat there.

I never got around to putting away the patio things - as you can plainly see - and the large iron chairs tell the tale.

Don't you just want to plop down in that?! I can just picture the snow floofing in all directions, like a cartoon.

Believe you me...if I had a pair of snow pants I would go sit like a 10-year-old in that seat without even thinking twice - just for the sheer silly-ass fun of it!

Notice the snow on the handrail. The posts at the bottom of the stairs are composite material wrapped around 4" wood posts. So that's 5.5 inches on one side...can you figure out the snow depth on the handrail?

The last photo is of the northeast corner of the pergola, which is slowly but surely filling in with the vines and climbers planted around it. It's been fun being able to watch the birds in the area use it as well - mama and daddy Blue Jays teaching the young jays to fly, a roost for Mourning Doves (hearing their soft cries only feet away from the windows), and an aerial playground for hummingbirds (on those special occasions).

More later, but for the time being, I have to go fix breakfast, and be thankful we haven't lost power! Happy new year, everyone!

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