

Mutual admiration and respect

I was cleaning out my email box recently - boy, things can get messy when you aren't looking, eh? - and I came across a note from a dear friend, which started me thinking about so many things from just over the past year, both successes and misses. I nosed my way into and onto projects and short-lived 'jobs', made contacts and taken chances, asked for jobs and been told "no" too many times to count. I have had several interviews (mostly over the phone) and prayed for second in-person interviews which never came. I've done great work wherever I had been allowed to ply my skills this past year...and I was even asked back to help in the audio end of the BQT project again this fall. (I am even getting a small stipend this season - tah-daaahhh)

Now, Maria, she's no slouch. She retired from the Detroit Police Department after (approximately) 30 years, somewhere around our half-way point through the Specs program. I can't imagine how she mentally kept herself upbeat and ready for her A-game at school every day after spending hours on the force. Wow! However, always the beautiful soul and perveyor of passing along a smile and a positive thought, this is what I found in one of her blog entries:

Let me give a big "HELL YEAH!! To Bethany! She's really doing good, she's keeping the dream alive by staying involved in the business. Before you know it her name will be going across the silver screen in bright lights! Keep up the good work you are an inspiration to us all.

Shucks, Maria. You are my inspiration, and I want to say thank you for always reaching out and always maintaining a lovely attitude.

Not for nothin', but Maria enrolled in a continuing ed program as we were ending our time as RTV 09-07 to (wisely) use the credits earned from SHS to go on to earn her Bachelors. Now who's the inspiration?

I know I will eventually get a job...I know I will. There is something out there God has planned for me, I know it. How do I exercise the patience and willpower to not give in to the blues and woe-is-me vibe that floats all around me while I am waiting for that new door to open?

Grant me the peace, oh Lord, to accept the things I cannot change, to work harder and more steadfastly to change the things I have the power to change, and to always thank You for the gifts You have provided to prepare me for my challenges & battles.

Be well and happy, people.

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