

And so another year slips away

Unbelievably enough, 2008 is nearly over. Can you believe it?!

I don't think that it has anything to do with my know, that whole theory about the older you are the quicker the days pass.

Yeah. No. That's not it.

No, being a non-working person I have far too much time on my hands to be able to notice and dwell on this whole day progression thing. Hours into days; days into weeks; weeks into see where this is going. Likewise, people with too much on their plates (either by design or their work/lifestyle) also notice the days slipping by too quickly. Well sure! When you aren't giving yourself time/permission to notice life happening around you...what do you expect?

At any rate, welcome December. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Come on in and pull up a chair. It's been a month since registration began for the winter session at the local community college and my sons are completely unaffected by my pleading, ranting, cajoling and threats. Nope they still have not chosen any classes. Argh! Hey, boys...I don't care if you don't know what you want to do...just do SOMEthing. Get off of your butts and out of your rooms and out from in front of your PC's and do something life altering and/or self-improving. At some point in time while you are stretching your brains and improving yourself in small (or large) ways, life will happen and revelations will occur to you! I promise. Do it now while you are young and your potential is vast.

Do it or I'll kick you in the head.

Do it or you'll find your belongings scattered across the front lawn. I promise!

It is my goal that 2008 will not pass without something to show for itself - in a positive way - for my family and myself. Slow down a little, Mr. December, please.

Let's take a moment to breathe deeply, enjoy the glow of the lights hung all around, wonder at the simple elegance of snow falling softly. Why not sit in a comfy chair and look outside on a sunny day and marvel at the beauty of sun reflecting off of snow covered trees. While you're outside, look down and notice animal tracks in fresh snow. It's winter's version of stopping to smell the roses.

It's still progress...forward momentum, if you will, but on your terms. A smile and lower blood pressure is not a waste of time.

Don't let this month slip away, taking the last of 2008 with it. Grab it in your hands and release it slowly as you enjoy each moment one at a time.

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