

Disinterest is growing

The disinterest of my cousins has put me off my game and really slowed progress of my gift for my grandmother.

What's more, my aunt's snark-o-gram - in response to my blog a number of days ago - has really shot holes in my interest to communicate, postulate, demonstrate and just relate.

My own desire to finish the AV project I began nearly 12 months ago for Gram has waned significantly over the last few weeks.

Promises of photo submissions to come from a have fallen by the wayside, and while others are eager to see it, I am leery of 'finishing' the thing, for fear of more guff from several corners later on.

If I am going to catch flack for my own thoughts and opinions, for having feelings and expressing them in a blog, then can you imagine the crap that will fly when people do not see their own kids (and the grand kids those children spawned) while several visions of other cousins zip by?

I had a friend chime in that I should not just email or call and ask for photo submissions, but that I should drive to my cousins' homes and take - or make - dinner for them. Then, while they are eating, I take the opportunity to go through their photo albums (or boxes of unruly pictures - "because not everyone is organized to the point of having albums") and borrow the ones I need to scan for the video. This way, she reasoned, I would get exactly what I need and get it done quickly.

Tracy was right, but my cousins do not all live nearby (some as far as Washington State, Arizona, CA and CO), and others do not want to correspond let alone be bothered with a cousin asking for a harmless favor and a little bit of effort. What Tracy failed to factor in was the fact that I do not have ready transportation, nor do I have the means to pay for endless meals on wheels. It's the lackluster response from one particular branch on the tree that really gets me. I get hammered for being too involved, and others are close enough to be around, but stay completely removed.

The cousins who are hip to the idea of what I have been doing over the last year acted quickly. They are excited to get their family photos in the mix and have chatted amongst one another - and they've even contacted one or two to nudge them in to action. But those hold-outs...they are going to be put-out (maybe) once the final product is viewed. Hugs to those who have donated to the cause.

Mmmm...maybe the hold-outs won't care either, but there will be comments and snarky stuff from some source because I failed to include everyone, and I have had enough for the year. I am at my quota and will turn back whatever comes my way...with both barrels! Oh, and I do not want cheese and crackers to go with my WHINE (note the spelling).

So if you have a comment about my attitude, use the comment option here on the blog site or keep it to yourself. OR be prepared to find your choice words re-posted from my inbox for all to see. Yup, that's right, I would stoop to that level...the grinch stops here!

By the way, thank you WA, I have the photos! [hug you]

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