

Dismember finally arrives

November is the month where all of my summer (turned fall) regrets catch up with me. We had a long string of really lovely days where I should have been out in the yard taking care of the pruning, trimming, feeding and furniture. Instead, I kept promising myself I would do it "tomorrow."

Lots of "tomorrows" went by the wayside, and nothing got done. Then, my last-chance beautiful days were spent at Gram's, so less than nothing was accomplished, and I became more doleful and angry with myself over it all.

And here we the month of Dismember, and I look out my windows and see everything where it doesn't belong, and I think about how I squandered all of that time. I didn't even clear space in the garage to harbor the things which required bringing indoors, so there it all sits on the back patio and deck...reminders of my laziness and malaise.

But, the new month brings with it a new moon - shining and clear.

Somehow, to me, a new moon always looks hopeful and shiny (in a spectacular way). It's always a thrill, and equally amazing, at how it seems as though a street lamp has been placed outside my windows, and the light is brilliantly faint blue and tremendously illuminating all at once.

I never cease to be amazed at the sparkling clarity of a new moon. Even in my glum mood regarding the undone yard work, the new moon nudges at the corners of it all and helps to dismember the structure of deep disappointment in myself, even if for a small amount of time. The light seems to find chinks in the construction and then wends it's way into deep recesses and chasms, bringing encouragement and awe which overrides the gloom momentarily.

I find myself feeling some redemption in the knowledge that soon we will be entering an entirely new year, and do-overs are a possibility.

Welcome back, Dismember - I look forward to the next 31 days.

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