

'lo, "longtime lurker"

Well...I don't think I actually stipulated that the alliteration had to begin strictly with "o", did I?

No, I don't think so.

Cleaning out the ol' inbox this afternoon (and all subsequent email-related boxes) and I found a legitimate [gasp] response/comment in with the SPAM.  I know!!

But that's how it's been lately, due to the SPAM that bloggers (myself included) are now receiving to drive up usership for useless sites that claim to drive readership for blogs that use their site to increase traffic to the actual blogs.....

ARGH!!!  I know, right!  Did you follow any of that?

Suffice to say, we all need to keep our guards up and stay vigilant online, because nefarious no-good-niks will insinuate their way into anything you will allow them to (or, won't protect yourself against).  I've had to direct comments to the SPAM filters alone, then parse out the actual legitimate responses from the poopy stuff to publish. 

Yes, I said "poopy." 

Hey, whether you blog or not, whether you read blogs or not, those creepy types will try to weasel their way past your defenses given any means possible.  So, if you comment and don't see it published right away (and you didn't write it in symbolic Chinese characters or hieroglyphs), give me a few days to filter and load, eh? 

I do appreciate your time and your feedback, unless you're trying to advertise your lawn care services or penis-growing pills via the comments section.

[sneering hatefully at the screen]

I [a-hem] don't need the penis-growing pills.  Nice try, though. [shaking head in disbelief]

Oh, and by the way - longtime lurkers are hugely welcome!  Hello, out there. :)

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