


The boys worked together this afternoon to rake up the mass of dead leaves in the front yard into the ditch, and for good measure, Bud obligingly took down some of the (unwanted) volunteer trees along the foundation in the front, and in the back corner near the electric meter. [massive rounds of applause and gleefulness ensue]

I'm thinking about topping the darned forsythia, too, and making it severe!  Need to get some root killer from the home improvement center, to see about truly killing off this invasive stuff once and for all. Should make digging out the roots an easier chore next spring.

Also, there are predictions for rain this afternoon and all of tomorrow, so the gutters in front need to be cleaned out of this year's foliage before the mess gets any worse - and more entrenched.  Mid-seventies for much of this week, so all outdoor stuff needs doing....and quickly!


Stay tuned.

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