

Ain't that the way it goes?

It's barely 6a.m. and the cats have been fed, Brian has been up to the bathroom to be sick, and I discovered one or two of the little furry family members objected to my work around the lower level yesterday by peeing on the floor, approximately 3 feet away from the box.

Today is going to be some day.

I was startled awake by the unmistakable sounds of a cat making a hairball. Judging from the sound coordinates, she was over in the area of the sofa - ON THE CARPET! - and about ready to let loose.

- This is when you discover how quickly you can get out of bed when you have to. -

I had already been jolted awake easily half an hour earlier by Flop objecting to Cleo's arrival in the 'hood - with the usual growling and hissing - which only makes Cleo act all cute and playful. When Flop says "go away", Cleo usually wants to know why, then proceeds to push the envelope when asking. She must be the younger of the siblings.

Anyhow, we got it sorted out and purring, Cleo joined me on the bed, while Flop maintained her dominant position on the freshly repositioned living area.

Just as I was drifting back to sleep, Flop made with the hurking noises, and the panic ensued.

To sleep, per chance to......sleep! Ahhh, there's always tonight, I suppose.

I spent the second through the sixth with my grandmother, and came home to find Karl had washed the dishes - yea! While in Livonia I looked for work online, a lot, and found two good leads. Let's see where they take me.

I am thinking, while it is quiet, I will go to the market and get some necessaries. Brian works today at the mall job, so I will get my running around done before he has to leave. (He thinks this is the source of his upset stomach - too much work. He worked quite a bit of last week, and then the weekend at the festival, and now back to work with no time off in between. I keep telling him this is the real world, unless he finds a way to become independently wealthy.)

Yes, I am still without a car, but I figure getting one right away is not a critical need, as I won't be here for two months once October arrives. After I return home, then I will buy a car, mostly because then I will have some serious money to invest in a better one.

Oh, and before I forget, I did nothing wrong in caring for my vehicle. I took great care of it, and two (TWO) mechanics said that there was nothing to be found to indicate the trouble I had was imminent. So, sour grapes and raspberries to you! Next time you are having an off day/week/month, don't sling your poo in my general direction. Go find a punching bag and have at it. I believe you know who you are.

Cleo tells me she is still hungry, and my hair needs blowing dry or I will have Karl hair all day, so this is where I will end it for now.

Around 10 or so this morning, the gas people will be moving my meter to the outside of the house. No more squeaking wheels to listen to when the water heater does its thing and the heat comes on this winter! Now, if they will just fix the damage that occured from the hole they made when the meter and line were first installed, that would be groovy. Here's another series of phone calls to make - but ain't that the way it goes?

Have a great day all!

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