

A little bit extra

Brian is feeling improved over this morning, and I am relieved. He now says he feels he has/had a 24-hour-variety bug because his neck/muscles ached a bit and he felt feverish, too. Now, it's a mild headache and a bit of ache-iness remaining.

The meter folks from Consumers did arrive this morning (a tad early) and had the move out completed ahead of the rain. They finished right around 1:30 - maybe a little later - and cleaned out the cut limbs from the forsythia for good measure. All very cool. I did my own cleaning (again) much mud tracked in from four sets of boots going in and out and up and down all that time.

It took a considerable amount of time for Flop and Cleo to be persuaded to come out of hiding after the trucks pulled out of the driveway, too. So much noise and commotion, and after yesterday's moving frenzy! Poor dears.

Will have to look at the new patch job the team left in the concrete wall tomorrow, in the light of day, to see how it held up with all of the rain that fell the balance of the afternoon and into the evening.

On another bright note, I finished installing the flooring in front of the door to the patio. It's only taken me [snifrigatadropfenhosier] to get it done - there. I still need to finish it in that back corner where the two windows facing the garden/backyard are (oh shit, yeah! And in the washer/dryer closet, too). Then I will be happy, and less cluttered.

I know I won't get it done before I go to FL, but there is a definite maybe in the works for when I get back.

I predict "before the end of the year!" You can take that to the bank.

Anyhow, my day is done and my brain is fried. I am off to bed and relaxation - I had forgotten how much stretching was involved in installing flooring. My legs are telling me off! LOL

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