

A new leaf turning

I found it. It took some doing, and most of us (the boys, the cats, visitors and myself) have been in such close proximity over the last several weeks that it isn't funny. I have even moved it all over the lower level in my cleaning/renewal frenzy.

Our third and final missing house phone has been located! Huzzah! It is now plugged in and charging, preparing for action. I actually found it while looking for my little thumb drive carrier. Much smaller in size, but far more valuable, since it carries my two fully loaded thumb drives - and I was driving myself crazy looking for it, too (my thumb drive carrier, not the phone).


How appropriate for this time of year - the changing of the seasons...the falling leaves - that I find comfort in establishing and adhering to a new family policy. Leave nothing sitting around. If it is laundry and it is clean, put it away! If it is yours and you carried it into the house, or to another room to work on it or use it, take it back into your room by end of day (if not sooner)! If it is...well, you get the gist.

I am still digging out, sorting, tossing, donating, cleaning. Every time I reclaim some floor space or make a dent on a surface or in a corner or under a desk, and notice it upon entering a room, I get excited and want to do more. It even helps to make the undone BS from all those so-called "builders" seem a little more palatable to have everything else more orderly around it. So I will concentrate on what I can affect, and do what I can do, and try to keep housekeeping peace in my turbulent and unruly kingdom, until such time as I can afford to bring another person in to try and finish what was begun all those years (and lost dollars) ago.

Let's make that: "...until I can trust to bring..." blah blah blah.

I did manage to finish the flooring around the patio door on the lower level, after all, and that took some doing with a hand saw and sweat. No easy feat, but it is done and ready for trim, and cleaned up and not out of commission as it has been for quite a while. Now I can get the storm door I have wanted for so long! When winter comes upon us this year, I will have that extra little buffer from the elements in the lower level - and I know it will make a difference.

Oh, yeah, the phone. Where did I find it, you are asking. Inquiring minds want to know. Well, I found it buried deep within the recesses of the Grandma chair, and quite wedged in, too. right where one of the boys left it while I was gone.

Guess it's time to turn cushions, too.

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