

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

I have a last-minute addition to my calendar - I will be going to Gram's soon to help cover some time my mom couldn't manage, due to car issues. The trip for her to get to Gram's is roughly 540 miles -/+ (for me it's about 35), so when she has a car issue, it sort of takes over. So I am sneaking a little prep time to type this update before finishing getting ready for the fast approaching time away.

Friday the 13th had me in Detroit with Karl for his post extraction check-up, and it looks good according to the dentist who checked him over and answered our questions. This young Dr. removed some of the more stubborn stitches they placed on the left side, and Karl did a great job despite nerves and trepidation. The kid had "stuff" to say, and didn't pull any punches when there was a little discomfort for one set. The doctor laughed and said, "I love your humor and sarcasm." Karl looked at him strangely, trying to gauge exactly what was meant, but he couldn't quite, and since there were hands and instruments in his mouth, Karl just relaxed and let the dentist finish his work.

Karl was given the 'all clear' to eat more solid food again, and the first thing he said was he wanted a Panera sandwich!

Well, OK.

After making the rounds and saying goodbye to the receptionist and friendly nurses, dental assistants and office manager, we hightailed it to the car and pointed ourselves in the direction of the Rochester Panera Bread restaurant for that sandwich he wanted so very badly. We arrived to find Phil at the counter, smiling and welcoming, and very genuine. We ordered the sandwiches (including one for Brian), got a few bagels for breakfast the next day, a couple of 'celebratory cookies' and a pumpkin muffin for desert. Phil tried to cajole Karl into a cold coffee drink - an iced mocha or a caramel frappacino... you get the picture, but Karl declined, and Phil said "well, if you're not in the mood, then that's that," smiled and totalled us up. We were starving, to say the least.

A couple of minutes later Phil said to Karl "Hey, I forgot, we have smoothies. How about a delicious smoothy?"

Karl struck a pose, and actually appeared to be contemplating it when Phil then quietly said "How would you like one on the house? C'mon, you have to celebrate getting your stitches out."

I had to kick Karl in the butt by telling him you never turn down something "on the house," cowboy! With that, Phil set to work making Karl a free strawberry smoothie - can you beat that?!

For Karl the day just kept improving, and by the time we got home, he had snarfed down the first half of his turkey and artichoke panini and finished the smoothie, still raving about Phil. I told him he should put it all in a simple note to the manager of that store so that Phil can see it and get a good review from his boss (for his excellent customer service). I will let you know what comes of it.

I finished the video I have been working on for a competition, and while it's been posted to the web site, it still hasn't been approved for viewing, so no votes can be cast until that happens. No doubt the approval won't happen until Monday, so there are two days lost, putting us further behind the other entries already gathering ballots. But, the video is on YouTube for the Hooahs to see before it can be voted on, so hopefully it will gather steam, and once we can begin gathering votes, we should be ok. The contest ends the first of December. As of this morning, there were 6 views, but I checked half an hour ago and there were over 120 views! Kind of cool, really.

More on that another time, for now I really need to finish getting things in order and plow through the rest of the laundry, too. Best thoughts to you all, and keep checking back. When I return from Gram's I expect to have the newest quilt top pieced completely and a photo posted of the progress, and another color combo cut to assemble. I'll show you those colors, too.

I know, I know...why cut out another when you have three that still need quilting (well, 6, really)?

Hey, nothing ventured...

'Til we meet again, stay healthy and happy.

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