

NOT attendance...DblD-style - but new photos

OK, I have attempted to load it a couple of times, and have now submitted an error report to the Google blog gawds. We'll just have to wait and see if they can make some magic happen. 'til then, how about several photos instead? Daphne, what are you looking at? Seriously - I see you, seeing me, looking at you. LOL

And, hello, Adam! Adam and Charles are our resident wall flowers. You'll meet Charles (Schnapsy) Beleau soon.

Something struck Rick as humorous. Could it be those lovely pink pajama bottoms in the background?

Jor-Jor Binks really likes the shot above...she says it's the perfect dorky anchor smile (on Mr. McCracken). However, I must confess to liking this one a tad better.

Here's my friend, Maria. Mild-mannered Maria. She is a lovely person, and very diverse in her interests. Loves crafting, and has made some beautiful jewelry for some of the young ladies in class. Her interests range from writing to stained glass quilting, beading and beyond! She has so much energy, and always a lovely disposition. I would like to be more like her (and Gillian) when I grow up.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes...

Maria loves her she is at the sports desk. Maria reads the sports. Read, Maria, read. Read, read, read.

The Lions did WHAT!? Maria did not like what she read. Bad Lions, bad! Bad, bad, bad. Why do the Lions want to make Maria sad. Maria is sad. Don't be sad Maria. Wait! That is not a sad face on Maria. That is a mad face on Maria. Mad, mad, mad. Maria looks mad. She wants to trade the Lions - all of them. They are going to be sad. Sad, sad, sad. Better them than my friend Maria.

Bye Lions, bye. Bye, bye, bye.

My apologies (and many thanks) to the Dick and Jane Learn to Read series. You young kids won't know what that is, but us old fogies (ask your folks) learned to read that way. Read, read, read.

Hey, how about that Bridget C? The other Bridget C. Yeah, that one.

'Take' one.

'Take' two.

'Take' three! The money shot!

Okay, that's all for the day. I will continue to try loading the video I mentioned earlier. guessed it!...I will also continue efforting the upload of new entries and photos. Hope you enjoyed your visit, and the pics. Be happy and safe. Safe, safe, safe.

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