

Get out and VOTE, America!

That's all. Get out there and vote, or quit your yammering and sputtering and stone-throwing!

The boys and I piled into the car and went to our polling site together. As a mother, it was a proud moment for me to see my two boys in the line ahead of me...together, as first-time voters. It put a lump in my throat. And yes! there would be a photo, but Karl turned to me as we stood in the last few feet awaiting our time behind the curtains, and said: "And no pictures, mom!"

So, despite my inclination to the contrary, I did not whip out my little Pentio and capture the moment.

No matter who wins this election, I feel as though I am the sons and I sharing in a very historic moment!

Good luck, America. Don't let this election year be the first and last push for a CHANGE in our future.

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