

Hmmm...another year older, and blah-dy blah-dy blah

I am working once again with the Bible Quiz Time show for the cable access stations well south of home. Acting as the Audio Tech and helping to instruct technically minded broadcast wannabes from the parochial schools who want to learn how to work the equipment and get a leg up in their early years.

I think it very cool that this is being made available to children in Jr and Sr high schools...this was never a consideration when I was their age. I had a yen to learn - certainly the curiosity was there - but girls were not encouraged to think about such idealistic careers in the seventies. Hey! Wait a minute! Mary Tyler Moore's character did - but she had to go to MN to make it happen! LOL

Boys! Pack your rooms up, we're headed west.

Wonder if I will have a cool apartment and a find myself a 'Rhoda'?

In fact, I wanted to be an architect when I was younger, but was told by the girls in my class that only boys and lesbians went into that class. Since I was neither (and naive), I stayed out. What a fool I was!

At any rate, if I had been told 'yes, go learn how to DJ' or to shoot and edit for the news, where would I be today? Oh, so far from where I am, I can tell you with so much certainty. But wherever I would be, and however far up the ladder I would have chosen to climb, I would be the exact same perfectionist, striving to tell the stories accurately and fairly, succinctly and intelligently, humanely and clearly, so that the reflection of the story would not be of me but of the life or situation under the magnifying glass.

So now I am working on my do-over. If the economy were a little better off I would stand a fighting chance...but right now things are a little tight and hard to squeeze into, so I am going to continue trying and pushing and asking and meeting and cajoling and learning and improving and and and. The minute my new boss figures it out, we all will breathe a big sigh of relief. Until that happens, I will repeat my activities and share my sage knowledge for another season of volunteerism.

Blah-dy blah-dy blah.

Be healthy and happy, y'all.

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