

Just keep learning

Kasey Kasem used to say "Keep reaching for the stars."



I think you [we] must learn what you need to know about whatever it is that you want to do, and get to know yourself - inside and out. Once you are prepared, then reach for those stars.

Keep in mind, though, that sometimes, stars fall. And when that happens, those passengers clinging to all those stars better know how to operate their parachutes, or be able to bounce!

Jimminy Cricket: "When you wish upon a star...anything your heart desires will come to you."


But, didn't he also counsel and scold and cajole Pinocchio about his decisions and truthfulness and morals all along the way? Didn't he try like mad to keep the little toothpick thinking about making good decisions and listening to his conscience, and being a good example and a trustworthy citizen?

The answer you are searching for is "yes, he did those things."

Another little homily goes like this: "God never gives us more than we can bear," and I believe that is true. Although, the actual line is in reference to temptations, and that we are tested, but should always manage to overcome the tests and pitfalls with faith in the Lord and making the right moral decisions. But that comes from a belief in yourself, a knowledge of right and wrong and the ablility to make good decisions, and having faith. Faith in in whatever higher power you believe in...and faith in your family, friends and 'neighbors'.

Where is this all going?

I have no clue, I got lost myself while writing it...but it made perfect sense until the words hit virtual paper.

Kids, don't type on pain meds.


1 comment:

Rie said...

Today's Horoscope...."What you want next in your life can only come to pass if you create a plan today." I think you and the stars got something going on.