

Little blessings

It helps on locations to be thankful for the little things, otherwise other odd stuff can get you down if you aren’t careful. Kind of like yesterday, when the internet decided to make itself unavailable, the rain became unrelenting and I was feeling blue. So, I have compiled a list of little blessings I have found here in Grayling.

My poor car – it keeps soldiering-on. I could be here without a convenient ride to go when/where I want as I please.

A new neighbor in the little apartment next to mine, which shares the bathroom facility. The last one was a door slammer and quite rude/snooty/brusque/loud/caustic. This new neighbor is older and more serene.

Candles I purchased in town (because they smelled pretty).

Most especially, I am thankful for the little blessing one of the boys left in my car – a found lighter! Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to light the candles. The power outage last night would have been worse without the benefit of light in the bathroom recesses!

I woke up earlier than necessary – for the 27th day running – and waited to capture the cannon blast at 06:00h sharp. I would love to actually see the boom, but I can settle for the sound bite. Also, I heard a loon flying overhead in the momentary silence. We don’t usually experience morning quiet once the day begins for the Guard personnel, so the sound of that one lone loon was an unnatural (but beautiful) punctuation to the gray dawn.

The past few mornings have been softened with fog, which is sort of pretty, and not a bother on base – for me, anyway.

When it comes to driving, the only real traffic I have to contend with would be the deer that dot the area between my apartment and the FOB. Every day it is a new set of does and young ones. They are lovely to watch – statuesque and alert, but curious, too. As long as you keep your eyes open you never have any worries.

The best snack food (crafty) to date is the Kar’s Yogurt Apple Nut Mix…OMGoodness, how I love to find one of those little green pouches in a crafty basket! It’s Christmas day every time.

For Gin, Christmas struck one morning a week ago in the form of a GFS truck arriving to unload one very large bulk order of crafty, water/beverages and needed paper supplies – hopefully, the contents will carry us through the remainder of the exercise.

I am thankful to have found a working bathroom (2, actually) in FOB, as opposed to the other two choices available to us in the production realm. Porto-potties are not an option when you have running water and a real toidy to plant yourself on.

Most especially I need to mention the blessing of the Prayer Room Mustafa and Ala’a have given me for my work space. It was the best thing ever! and I am truly blessed to have met and worked with these men on this project.

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