

Hey, it's July 1st!

In less than four short little days, Karl will be 21.


At least this year I will be home for the occasion, and not on the road somewhere. The new gig begins on the 7th - yes, it's been pushed back a day, but it still comes out to 18 days (six-day work weeks). I received and signed my Deal Memo, NDA and tax form, and have already exchanged email, and had a phone chat with, the Sound Engineer on the production. We will meet face-to-face next week, prior to the start of filming and get our dance steps down, and to be in sync in order to provide excellent sound. Very cool!

I've had a busy week - with the email confirming the boom job; and a phone pre-interview with some production house mistress named Kelly (she would not say who they are, but eluded to being project heavy and that they are located 'Downriver'), regarding an ad I responded to (the very same morning). She said she wanted me to interview with her boss this week and that after giving my credits to him she would call back "in a bit", but never did. Ah well....that is how most of these things have gone - for production work and for plain Jane administrative positions.

Then, I also interviewed in person Tuesday afternoon, with someone who was looking for an entry-level editor. He said I was the first person (of all his respondents) he'd spoken with for the job, and that he intended to hire someone by the 30th because they were backlogged and needed to get five weddings edited quickly. His decision would be made and he would make calls one way or another by Thursday (uh, hello. That would be today). I guess no call sort of answers any and all questions, eh?

I was in contention for a three day shoot in Oscoda, but had to turn it down because I thought I was getting the job in Detroit. Could have done both as it turns out, but you can't know these things.

And then lastly, I responded to a new ad regarding crewing up for a feature 'based on real-life', being shot in the D this fall. Pre-pro in August and production through September. They wanted a Scripty, and I cleverly looked the production up using sidewinder mentality. It turns out, I was right, and that intrigued the producer, who contacted me to find out where I learned what I knew. We ended up having a talk this afternoon, and I told him I wanted that Scripty role. So, despite the fact he could tell I was white bread through and through, he politely said he would keep my name in the running. (Sounded like a prolonged 'no', but I am choosing to remain optimistic.)

Well, that's the news from my end of the bog, and tomorrow, I am going to get a little bit of work done around here before I happily have no time to spare. Let me know what you are up to, and I will keep you abreast of the "things in the wings."

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