

Seems to be a pattern

Hello, again. Sorry it's taken a week to get back in here and say something, but it's been crazy busy. The internship with the opera/film project grew legs, and they will take as much time as you will give them.

I was giving them 12 hour days, several days a week (4 on average), and even though they are compensating me for gas, and feeding me (and the boys, as it turns out), the near hour-long drive each way is nearly enough to kill the little bit of enthusiasm I can still muster. The thing that kept me going back over the last two weeks was that those hours were all productive, but over the last several days the work has dried up, and now there is a good deal of down time. Add to that the extra ants to the picnic (interns with no experience and shiny desires of work in the movie industry), and it has become a wait-fest. A day of twiddling your thumbs for hours on end (and it is day after day, lately).

I had quite a bit entered on today's blog, and then the Blog system crashed. As it turns out the system didn't auto save any of it (per the usual autosave function), so I am afraid you are going to have to live with me simply saying how disappointed I now am with this production opportunity.

I love having "a job" and some place to go. I love having people count on me and loving my work, but I loathe not having anything to do for ten+ hours (not including drive time), and sharing that nothing with 3 to 4 greener-than-Kermit interns, all also waiting for something to do. If I want to waste time I can do it at home very easily. As it so happens, I have a lot I need/want to get done before the cold fingers of winter wrap around us and do away with productive time outside (gutters, painting porch posts, weeding - again, etc). I also have work to finish in the kitchen - most especially getting the stove (and the cabinets around it) installed and out of my garage! It can't happen if I am not there. And all I can think of while sitting 40 miles away, twiddling my thumbs, is that I could be mudding the walls, or sanding, or taping and painting, or cleaning, and on and on.

It's frustrating, but then...what isn't any more?

It all just seems to be a pattern in my life lately, and I have to admit that I am not enjoying it.

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