

Slow but steady - inch by inch

Mid-week (last week), after getting home from the D, I was able to cajole the boys into moving the fridge and large 2-piece German cupboard out of their temporary haunts in the living room, and back into the kitchen space. Wahoo!

What a sigh of relief it all was - I mean, after I managed to stop crying and dry my tears over the scuffs that the d*mned fridge made in the floor finish.

Oh, and I am still filling the holes and smoothing the surface in the wall where the cupboard will live (getting ready to paint), but right now, I am liking the changes (though we are far from being done).

Honestly, it is just nice to have walking space in the living room again and not have to plan how to get from the front door to the bathroom without the help of traffic control and street lights!

The cats are not liking the constant state of flux, but I have to say they seem to be adjusting to it all more easily each time it happens. LOL

Little by little.

The biggest problem I am having is not being able to unpack the boxes of dishes currently in storage on the stairwell (all of the things removed from the heavy old antique cupboard prior to moving it out of the way for final demolition and construction).

If only I had a box of patience in that pile of stemware and dishes! Still, it is fun to stand back and look at it now and see progress where, for 6 years or more, there has been nothing but stagnation, regret and mess. It was a constant reminder of failure and bad decisions, but is now a view of hope and promise and determination.

Oh, if you only knew!

I keep thinking of the Three Stooges episode, when one of them (under hynosis?) turns (after seeing a "go slow" sign, or was it one for Niagra Falls?) and says:

"Slowly I turn..inch by inch. Step by step."

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