

Eggplant parm & a quilt

Mom arrived yesterday afternoon for the changing of the granny guards, and I had dinner in the oven (technically, it was on the stove, prepping the eggplant to go into the oven), but she didn't have to cook - and that was the point of it all.

Big salad, eggplant parmesan, and fresh asparagus and corn on the cob in the frig for other meals to come. It turns out that gran had never had eggplant before, but I am certain she probably has in her 101 years. She ate it without any complaints, though, so it must have agreed with her.

In other news: Had to make mom open the box with her quilt in it (for several reasons). Since I was not able to finish the quilting in time to have it bound and 100% completed for her birthday (and this trip south of the bridge), I wanted her to at least see it and know she had a gift from the boys and me.

So, yes, I did bring it back home to finish up. She must of said "why" and "you should sell this" at least four times while unpacking it and spreading it out for viewing. Didn't know whether that meant she didn't really like it, or that...well, I don't know WHAT it meant.

She gathered it up and walked it over to a neighbor in gran's building to show it off - a 90-year-old tenant who quilted in earlier years - and this neighbor told mom that it should be entered into quilt shows! LOL So, that's what mom wants now - for the quilt to be exhibited before she gets it back!

Go figure.

Her further directive was to finish up the commissioned quilt job before working any further on hers, so that I will do. Besides, I won't see mom again for at least a month, so that leaves plenty of time to get both projects finished!

Although, the highlight for me was when she said (without prompting), "These are all of my colors!"


OK, now must get ready for a Karl meeting and the hot, HOT weather ahead. Have a great day, everyone, and try to stay cool!

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