

Karl's visitors

Every so often Karl has an itch which needs scratching. Whether he knows it or not, he desires company. A day with activity and camaraderie. Time spent face-to-face with humans who are not bent solely on destroying another civilization and stealing their 'life points'.

We all do from time to time.

It's just that he chats and yaks and grumbles at people online so often that he doesn't realize he really does want some human interaction, too - and needs it.

Yesterday, he had been on the phone with Tony (a friend of his) for quite a while, when one of them decided it would be a good idea to ask if I thought it would be a good idea if Tony came over to our place, or for Karl to go over to Tony's.

My simple answer was that they should figure out if one of those choices would be to their liking. After all, did they want to get together? If yes, then that was pretty much the question answered. Of course, that decision then created another choice to tackle; which option should they choose? Karl there or Tony here?

Two Autistic youths making decisions is fun to watch unfold. Sort of like origami in reverse.

I won't go into all of the particulars, suffice it to say they eventually came to the obvious choice, and we drove over to Tony's to pick him up for the afternoon. Given the hour of the day, I figured there would be dinner to make once they became hungry enough, so I prepped for that.

'Round about 11PM I let them know it was time to wrap it up and get Tony home.

By midnight (egads!) they were ready to roll.


All of this to say, as Karl and I approached the house last night, after taking Tony home, my headlights illuminated I shape on the lawn. It was most definitely NOT cat. It was much too late for a squirrel. Possums tails are not bushy or upright (as this one was), and it wasn't moving appropriately for a racoon. I slowed my speed and got a great look as the critter turned to face us with a bit of posturing.

It was a skunk! I haven't seen one of those in a long time, but I was delighted to watch him size us up as we watched his movements.

Karl was not thrilled in the least as his mind raced quickly to the "oh-my-gawd-how-do-we-get-to-the-front-door-without-being-sprayed?" question.

Not to worry. He moved to the shadow at the backside of the large tree in our front yard, and I turned into the driveway to size up our options - and watch our little visitor a little more closely.

Somehow, he slipped away in an unknown direction, and we neither smelled nor saw him again as we dashed from the car to the door....and safety of the house.

Visitors are always welcome.

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