

The sounds of the zoo

I don't know what it's like where you live...what creatures you share your home with. Here, the morning noises are a strange mix as everyone wakes to begin their days and activities.

Personally, I live with two trolls and three cats. 

Ah, yes...and the forty pound acrobat squirrels, who jump on (and romp 'round) my roof and gutters; the precocious chipmunks (which once were cute - until they managed to invade my house walls); the massive flock of sparrows, wrens, and chickadees bellowing in the bushes along the driveway, and; the lumbering groundhogs who simply must die before they can bore any more ankle-wrenching, lawnmower-swallowing holes in my backyard!

For now, I am content with the early morning ticking of the clock from the kitchen, the infrequent drone of the refrigerator compressor, and the ocassional car passing on the street.  Soon enough my trolls will begin to low in their beds, trying to remain asleep but knowing they should rise. 

That's when the girls and I will make our noises. Ha!

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